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  1. #1
    john L.jorge's Avatar
    john L.jorge Guest

    Default Mentors for new home inspectors

    Hello my names john. I am from the massachusetts area. I have done my class training through Ahit. I have also passed my national exam. I have been looking for an inspector to mentor me, to progress my career as a fully licensed home inspector. I have been looking for 3 mths now with no luck!! I really enjoy inspecting but I cant progress to my assoc license/full license. I wanted to know if anyone had any ideas to share with me or anyone from my area who wouldnt mind mentoring me. I really would appreciate it. I am very self driven and will not give up!! Thank you.

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    Last edited by john L.jorge; 01-06-2013 at 10:14 AM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Mentors for new home inspectors

    Quote Originally Posted by john L.jorge View Post
    Hello my names john. I am from the massachusetts area. I have done my class training through Ahit. I have also passed my national exam. I have been looking for an inspector to mentor me, to progress my career as a fully licensed home inspector. I have been looking for 3 mths now with no luck!! I really enjoy inspecting but I cant progress to my assoc license/full license. I wanted to know if anyone had any ideas to share with me or anyone from my area who wouldnt mind mentoring me. I really would appreciate it. I am very self driven and will not give up!! Thank you.
    John, this is one of the inherent problems with the required ride-along's or mentoring that some of the states have. Honestly it is just plain stupid, IMVHO when you take a moment and think about it. Sure it sounds good and looks good on paper but it just does not work well.

    My suggestion is to join a local home inspector association chapter in your area and make friends with some of the inspectors. Then you might do better getting a person to help you. I would not expect them to do it for free, in fact from what I understand many seasoned inspectors make a pretty good income mentoring folks to satisfy this state requirement.

    If this does not work you might need to find an inspector who is 50 to 100 miles away so you would not be considered local competition. Why would a person want to train their competition? I'm a nice guy and like helping folks but I stopped doing ride-a-longs several years back when the business slowed and I had to fight for every inspection dollar.

    Good luck and don't give up...

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Berks County PA

    Default Re: Mentors for new home inspectors

    I agree with Scott's advice. Joining a local chapter is key to your success. Find a group to your liking. Attend all functions. Get involved. As people get to know you are serious about success, they will help you. I printed a few business cards with the words "Ride-Alongs Wanted", handed them out at a few meetings and offers came in. I needed 100 ride-alongs, it took about 7 months.

  4. #4
    john L.jorge's Avatar
    john L.jorge Guest

    Thumbs up Re: Mentors for new home inspectors

    Quote Originally Posted by john L.jorge View Post
    Hello my names john. I am from the massachusetts area. I have done my class training through Ahit. I have also passed my national exam. I have been looking for an inspector to mentor me, to progress my career as a fully licensed home inspector. I have been looking for 3 mths now with no luck!! I really enjoy inspecting but I cant progress to my assoc license/full license. I wanted to know if anyone had any ideas to share with me or anyone from my area who wouldnt mind mentoring me. I really would appreciate it. I am very self driven and will not give up!! Thank you.
    Thank you guys for some different ideas..I am actually going to join the ashi group.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Mentors for new home inspectors

    I completely agree with Scott. Why would a home inspector in your local area want to train you knowing that you are potential competition. I will have to look for one and I'm thinking about traveling for mine.


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