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  1. #1
    Rick Henrichs's Avatar
    Rick Henrichs Guest

    Default Greetings from Red Oak, Texas!


    I'm Rick Henrichs and my business is Henrichs Home Inspections. I spent much of 2011 doing the AHIT courses and studying to obtain my license. I spent most of 2012 doing practice inspections for anyone who would let me in their house. I also spent many hours as an InterNACHI member going through online courses and watching training videos. Oh, and I must mention Paul and Brenda Roebuck and gang with TPREIA! They are wonderful people, which makes TPREIA wonderful! I've learned a great deal from the courses hosted by TPREIA and the folks I've met at these courses.

    I recently marked my 32nd anniversary in law enforcement. My short-term goal is to transition from law enforcement to full-time home inspections. I began this year hoping to do at least two inspections per month, but I've been blessed with 11 to date!

    InspectionNews member Frank Adame recommended this site to me. Thank you, Frank, and thanks to all of you for the questions and answers posted here. I am like a sponge - soaking it all up. Thank you, too, Frank, for spending time with me and allowing me to accompany you on those inspections.

    I will mostly be using my Android phone to read these threads. I keep getting a message wanting me to pay $2.99 for the Tapatalk Forum App by QUOORD SYSTEMS LIMITED. Any comments on this will be greatly appreciated.

    I look forward to learning, learning, learning from y'all!

    Best Regards,


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Default Re: Greetings from Red Oak, Texas!

    Hi Rick,

    Welcome to InspectionNews!

    I didn't know the message about the app was popping up.

    I am working on an app for the site right now. Hang on just a bit and I will make it available to members.

    View The List Of InspectionNews Member Benefits!

    Brian Hannigan /
    Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM

    Twitter: @InspectionNews

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Greetings from Red Oak, Texas!

    Welcome on board,hope you have much success in your new endevour.


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