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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Southeastern Virginia

    Default hello from virginia

    hello from virginia. just thought i would finally sign up and introduce myself. i am a local home inspector in southeastern virginia (4 years and counting); i am also a professional fire fighter. i have also recently become a virginia certiified home inspector (a few months ago). i was woundering if any virginia inspectors could contact me with local home inspector's meetings/events?

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  2. #2
    Michael Scott's Avatar
    Michael Scott Guest

    Default Re: hello from virginia

    Hi Jamie! I am also a southeastern virginia inspector. I am a retired architect who has been in this field for about 4 years. I work out of Chesapeake and I'm affiliated with the local ASHI chapter. I find it interesting that you were a firefighter because I have a son who is a Norfolk firefighter and also an EMT. Graduated at the top of his class from the Norfolk fire academy, I'm proud to say! Good luck with your inspection business. It's easy to get a little discouraged right now with the market, but I'm believing for a much better business climate toward the end of 2008 and beginning in 2009.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Osceola, AR

    Default Re: hello from virginia

    Welcome to the board. I'm always glad to see a fellow firefighter here. There's lots to be learned here, just hope that you can take some constructive criticism from time to time, it is often applied liberally here.
    Don't be afraid to ask a question, there are some bright minds lurking about, and you can depend on getting the right answer (often several of them) here.


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