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Thread: Introduction

  1. #1

    Smile Introduction

    I have been away for a while but found my way back. I am an Old Time Plumber who started plumbing when my neighbor hired me to be his helper. I lived in the So East Area of Los Angeles and my boss was mostly in to new construction. On your lot homes, back then were popular. We plumbed those also small apartment buildings, some small commercial and once in a while, Service an Repair.
    It was my 16th Birthday when I started. I worked after school and on Saturdays. After Graduating High School, I enlisted into the Army Artillery and served for 3 years coming home from Germany in 1961. I attended L. A. Trade Tech to learn the L.A. Plumbing Code. After that I worked for a Plumbing Supply House in Downey and small plumbing contractors in the area. I joined the Plumbers Union Local 494 in Long Beach in 1963 and finalized my Plumbing Career with 20 years service at San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station in North San Diego County. My specialty was Back Flow Protection (The fine Art of preventing water from re-entering the Water Purveyor's System.) After water passes through your Meter, the Water Company does not want it to re-enter the system. I retired in 1999. I am still learning from the guys on these forums. No one knows everything...agreed?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Capistrano Beach, CA


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