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  1. #1
    Steve Covington's Avatar
    Steve Covington Guest

    Default A New Inspector In Forney,Texas

    I'm the Newbie,Rookie,or Greenhorn in the Inspection business.I have been reading the postings here for several months and I am very impressed with the abundance of knowledge and experience you guys have.I have many questions and it sure is reassuring to know I can come here and get some answers.I know that several of you live within 45 miles of me and I hope we could be of help to each other on a local level. I am a sponge ready to soak up all the knowledge I can from you guys(and girls?).

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: A New Inspector In Forney,Texas

    Welcome Steve!
    If you go to "User CP" at the upper left, you can put in Forney, Texas so it appears on all of your posts. This helps people give appropriate responses to some questions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: A New Inspector In Forney,Texas

    Welcome to the board Steve.
    Forney Texas, now where could that be?

  4. #4
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: A New Inspector In Forney,Texas

    Hey Steve,

    Good to have you on board. I'm one of the folks in your general area (within the 45 mile radius) so feel free to call or contact me if I can help in any way...

    Now, post a picture of your ole lady so we can gawk at her a while...

    Just messin-with-a, we don't need any more pictures....

    Take care and welcome.


  5. #5
    Steve Covington's Avatar
    Steve Covington Guest

    Default Re: A New Inspector In Forney,Texas

    [QUOTE=Richard Rushing;31945]Hey Steve,

    Good to have you on board. I'm one of the folks in your general area (within the 45 mile radius) so feel free to call or contact me if I can help in any way...

    Now, post a picture of your ole lady so we can gawk at her a while...

    Richard, I appreciate your offer and I would like to be able to call some experienced inspectors in my area to ask a few questions.I will have to get your number sometime,Thanks!
    By the way,I posted a pic of my old lady, if I did'nt make a mistake.

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  6. #6
    Steve Covington's Avatar
    Steve Covington Guest

    Default Re: A New Inspector In Forney,Texas

    Welcome to the board Steve.
    Forney Texas, now where could that be?

    Rick, judging from the multiple housing developments,multiple schools being built, and the big name stores going up like crazy,somebody knows where Forney is. Ask around.(ha ha) I am not very good at computers and posting here, so you let me know if I make a mess and tell me how to correct it please.

  7. #7
    Steve Covington's Avatar
    Steve Covington Guest

    Default Re: A New Inspector In Forney,Texas

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    Welcome Steve!
    If you go to "User CP" at the upper left, you can put in Forney, Texas so it appears on all of your posts. This helps people give appropriate responses to some questions.
    John, thanks for your help.I tried to post my picture ,but it would not upload.Any hints ?

  8. #8
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Re: A New Inspector In Forney,Texas


    Welcome to IN. I'm also within shoutin' distance as Rich indicated. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

    Your area (Forney) is growing reasonably well ... been over there many times doing HIs on new/used properties.


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