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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default New to the Forum (Sort-Of)

    I've been lurking for a while now....really haven't posted anything until lately so I thought maybe I better introduce myself. I'm Wayne Carlisle, Building Official for a city (Benbrook) just south of Fort Worth, Texas.

    I was in construction for 14 or 15 years (getting old) then when the housing fell out (mid 80's) I went to work as an assistant to the building official. Worked for that city reviewing plans and overseeing 4 inspectors for about 5 years then moved on as a building official.

    Stayed at that city for 15 years before the politics got so bad that it wan't fun any more.

    Been at my current job 4 1/2 years and will be retiring in another 3. I figure that I will become a home inspector as a part time job just to supplement my hobby of working on classic cars.

    I have a 56 Chevy 2dr HT. Lots of fun.

    I'm here to help where I can and learn where I can. Great site here guys!

    Wayne Carlisle

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  2. #2
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: New to the Forum (Sort-Of)

    Welcome Wayne

    Well you appear to have the back ground for it.

    Retirement, hmmmmm.

    Good for you. I am one of those work for myself all my life and will more than likely drop dead working. I think I might rather kick working on my classic cars though.


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