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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default Natural Gas Line to BBQ

    This material is new to me, so I thought I'd best ask.

    One end is tapped off at the exterior just downstream of the gas meter, the other end is connected to a fixed exterior BBQ. Around 5 feet is exposed above ground at the meter (seems wrong to me, as it's a location where such damage by lawnmowers, weed wackers, foot traffic etc.), about 20 feet is buried in an unknown depth running the rest of the way the barbecue.

    1) What's this material called, and is approved for this application?

    2) If it is approved does anyone have a link to the manufacturer's installation instructions?

    3) Generally, what/where are the code reference(s) for this type of installation?

    4) About a foot down from the connection that the meter, a portion of the line is wrapped in what appears to be electrical tape. Is this just a kludge, or is this some sort of special tape approved to do whatever it's doing (plugging a leak? Weather protection for some kind of connector?) .

    Thanks as always....

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  2. #2
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Natural Gas Line to BBQ

    I guess the big question is. Can it just be lying on the ground. Answer, No. As far as what the material is. I actually have a name for it on the tip of my tongue but it won't slide off. Again it is not protected in any way and needs to be changed. As far as the material just name any one of the approved materials but it still has to be protected no matter what it is. As far as the tape possibly "fixing a leak", well if it is it is obviously wrong. I wish I had better info for you but I am not where all my info is and I cannot pull it out of my hat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: Natural Gas Line to BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Thomas View Post
    ... Is this just a kludge,....
    In case anyone else never heard this word before:

    From Wikipedia -

    "A kludge is a clumsy or inelegant solution to a problem or difficulty. In engineering, a kludge is a workaround, typically using unrelated parts cobbled together. Especially in computer programs, a kludge is often used to fix an unanticipated problem in an earlier kludge; this is essentially a kind of cruft. A kludge is an ad hoc engineering solution, inelegant in principle but possibly elegantly pragmatic, from klug [german] meaning clever."

    The things you learn on this board.

  4. #4
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Natural Gas Line to BBQ

    Ohhhhhhhh, you mean cluster ***k

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Natural Gas Line to BBQ

    That does not look like a brass connector, and using other-than-brass (steel?) for gas is not real smart.

    The tubing near that fitting is pretty well whacked up already. However, when I zoom in on the tubing right next to the right side of that connector, that whacked up tubing appears to be a 'protective sleeve' over what looks like copper tubing inside the sleeve. Is that connector brass and just has corrosion over it making it look like it is not brass?

    In the photo with at entire roll of tape around it ... I suspect that outer sleeve was whacked up even worse than it is down by that fitting and the roll of tape is simply 'providing protection' from future whacking at it.

    As to what the material is, either the outer sleeve or the inner tubing, and whether or not it is approved for use exposed outdoors - I do not know.

    As to whether or not it is allowed to be buried in the ground, possibly, but without knowing what it is, I'll have to let Ted go with his 'No it is not.' because at least he has seen it before and I have not, not that I am aware of, anyway.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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