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  1. #1
    David J. Edens's Avatar
    David J. Edens Guest

    Default Plumbing Venting Hook or "Candy Cane" ?

    Today I saw a "candy cane" or hooked 4" PVC DWV plumbing vent coming out of the ground (adjacent to the house) over where the DWV leaves the house and goes out to the sewer. Perhaps I answered my own ?, but the whole neighborhood had these and I do not usually see these. How come the roof vents do not provide enough venting?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Plumbing Venting Hook or "Candy Cane" ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David J. Edens View Post
    Today I saw a "candy cane" or hooked 4" PVC DWV plumbing vent coming out of the ground (adjacent to the house) over where the DWV leaves the house and goes out to the sewer. Perhaps I answered my own ?, but the whole neighborhood had these and I do not usually see these. How come the roof vents do not provide enough venting?

    In the county south of me a vent is required after the main waste pipe leaves the building foundation. These are typically a "mushroom", but your candy cane would probably work just as well.

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  3. #3
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Plumbing Venting Hook or "Candy Cane" ?

    An indirect drain and vent for the inground drainage so there is not a tight fit to the waste line or a pool drain. Both should not be there but I see it occasionally

  4. #4
    Joshua Hardesty's Avatar
    Joshua Hardesty Guest

    Default Re: Plumbing Venting Hook or "Candy Cane" ?

    Just how adjacent is this vent? It obviously wouldn't pass the two-foot rule, what about the 10-foot rule?

  5. #5
    Pete Rose's Avatar
    Pete Rose Guest

    Default Re: Plumbing Venting Hook or "Candy Cane" ?

    I see those venting septic systems also.

  6. #6
    Jay Markanich's Avatar
    Jay Markanich Guest

    Default Re: Plumbing Venting Hook or "Candy Cane" ?

    David - sorry to be late to this post. In my area I have never seen a candy cane vent. Here there is the usual vertical clean-out port, with a screw cap on top, at least in newer construction. However, as to the candy cane, one thing I would make sure of is that it is screened to prevent critter intrusion. Also, that could be a later addition to the DWV system by a plumber who thought it would make future snaking easier... just a thought.


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