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  1. #1
    Robert Jude's Avatar
    Robert Jude Guest

    Default Yellow plastic gas lines

    I saw an inspection document that stated the gas line must have a minimum of 2" clearance from combustible materials. I looked at this yellow plastic gas line feeding the furnace that was stuffed between the foil backed insulation between the supply and return ducts running vertical. Is he correct? Made no sense to me however, I am not a plumber!
    thanks for any insight.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Yellow plastic gas lines

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Jude View Post
    I saw an inspection document that stated the gas line must have a minimum of 2" clearance from combustible materials. I looked at this yellow plastic gas line feeding the furnace that was stuffed between the foil backed insulation between the supply and return ducts running vertical. Is he correct? Made no sense to me however, I am not a plumber!
    thanks for any insight.
    I bet that you are talking about CSST pipe. It has a yellow outside plastic cover over a corrugated stainless steel pipe.

    What you are saying sounds like you might have misunderstood what was being said or written in a report. Is this from an inspection that was done on your home?

    Pictures can help..

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3

    Default Re: Yellow plastic gas lines

    I'd love to see that report.

    The only clearance requirement I can think of off hand would be a 1" clearance to the furnace flue pipe (B vent). I can't think of a 2" requirement for anything.


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