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Thread: Plumbing line

  1. #1
    John Stephenson's Avatar
    John Stephenson Guest

    Default Plumbing line

    Last edited by John Stephenson; 12-21-2007 at 02:24 PM.
    Member Benefits1

  2. #2
    David R2's Avatar
    David R2 Guest

    Default 1 cm gap; cold water pipe; condensation

    those gaps show a little bit of exposed copper. 99.5% of the copper is covered, so condensation occuring on the surface exposed could be deemed negligeably small. That is an opinion, and it is debatable.

    I'd tape the ends of the two pieces of foam insulation together.

    That would seal that little air gap. The trapped air behind the tape would not cause condensation, because its (small) water content would not be permanently increased by new air moving over the cold water pipes. The essence of conductive insulation is little bubbles of trapped air. A 1/2" bubble is bigger than average. Anyone could also insert any scrunchled up used plastic bag into that gap, and that would do the right function too, although it wouldn't look beautiful. I'd tape over that too.

    The tape must not be tight and not touch the pipes. It should follow the outer diameter of that foam insulation tube. This leaves open space under the tape.

    Cutting another little piece of foam to fit is not that easy, and wouldn't look beautiful either. Getting just the right shape is not easy. Then, if it's too big, it will push itself away from the pipe, or it will push the next piece away. I'd tape it, to seal air and so as not to allow air to circulate freely over the pipe. If air moves across the pipe, condensation will occur, but it will be minor. When a small quantity of air is static, immobilized, it is unable to "exchange itself" or refresh itself, and "get" more humidity, so condensation is far far less (probably zero) than if air could move across the pipe, and any condensation will be really really meaningless in terms of risk of fostering mold and rot.

    The dew point will not be reached, if a small piece of cold copper is in contact with a small pocket of static air, in a situation such as this one.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Plumbing line

    The insulation is OK, IMO. As for nailing plates over the studs, the steel pipe will hold its own against nails.

    I would not do anything.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  4. #4
    Richard Moore's Avatar
    Richard Moore Guest

    Default Re: Plumbing line looks like the small gap is on the hot feed for the tub/shower. Even if there were a problem with condensation, which is doubtful, it wouldn't be on the hot side.

  5. #5
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: Plumbing line

    I would not have the insulation reworked or write it up as such. As David stated, taping would suffice.

    As for the gas pipe, I would recommend nail guards there.



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