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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Bakersfield, Ca

    Default water heater straps

    Please verify my logic. these water heater straps will not hold the unit in place as intended because they are wrapped backwards. in order to hold the unit in place they need to be wrapped the opposite way. I could find no wording addressing the direction of the straps. Here is how i wrote it up, suggestions welcomed.
    Water Heater
    · Safety Issue: Repair: Water heaters in seismic zones should be anchored or strapped to resist movement during earthquake conditions. Although this water heater is strapped it is not strapped properly. It is OK to wrap the straps completely around the unit, however the strap cross section should be at the front of the unit, not the back. The unit can still fall forward the way it is currently strapped. See website for details:$file/water_heater.pdf

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  2. #2
    Daniel Leung's Avatar
    Daniel Leung Guest

    Default Re: water heater straps

    Yes, the installation is wrong. See instruction on the attached photos.

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  3. #3
    Dave Wheeler's Avatar
    Dave Wheeler Guest

    Default Re: water heater straps

    if the straps are strong enough and bolted into the beams it looks like it should hold. We don't have problems like that in New York so we don't see that.

  4. #4

    Default Re: water heater straps

    Did you grab and shake it to simulate an earthquake?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: water heater straps

    There are several more violations with this installation. Is the strapping the only thing you are worried about?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Near Philly, Pa.

    Default count the defects

    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne Carlisle View Post
    There are several more violations with this installation. Is the strapping the only thing you are worried about?
    sediment trap
    TPR drain
    clearance btw vent and insulation on water lines
    vent connection to draft hood
    drain pan- a leak would ruin that drywall platform
    protection of that gas line? Appears exposed
    for starters

    Keep the fire in the fireplace.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Bakersfield, Ca

    Default Re: count the defects

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Harper View Post
    sediment trap
    TPR drain
    clearance btw vent and insulation on water lines
    vent connection to draft hood
    drain pan- a leak would ruin that drywall platform
    protection of that gas line? Appears exposed
    for starters
    Thanks Bob,
    correct no sediment trap present/accessible.
    The TPR line goes through the wall to the exterior and discharges into a flowerbed at appropriate height.
    clearance between the insulation and vent is indeed insufficient
    can you elaborate on the vent connection to draft hood? is it the tape that makes it wrong?
    the platform is cement board and this WH is in the garage. this is new construction and all are installed this way. not saying it's right, but it is accepted by the AHJ and is the norm, would you still suggest calling it out?
    what would you suggest to protect the exposed gas flex line. again this is the norm in these parts, all new contruction does it this way and i would be calling this out on every inspection.

    in reply to dave-the straps in their current configuration would not hold the WH in place, the tension is on the wall side of the tank. this tank could slide away from the wall because the way the staps are wrapped.

    Last edited by cory wright; 03-12-2010 at 11:06 AM.


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