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  1. #1
    Michael Cantor's Avatar
    Michael Cantor Guest

    Default Here's a new one...WATER HEATER WARNING LABEL!

    Well, this is a new "one". I have never seen this before.

    On this approximately 2 year old water heater, I could not find the manufacturer's spec label. Under this Opaque "Film", it says, " The manufacturer's Rating label has been removed. Do not install or attempt to use this water heater."
    I never knew this existed. This seems to be a problem. Did they get this as a defective water heater or did someone remove the label?
    Anybody have any specific knowledge of this?

    There were a number of other issues, as usual...

    This water heater had a sediment trap installed at the gas valve, but it was installed at the valve, after the gas connector. Doesn't the rigid gas pipe have to be BEFORE the gas connector?

    Also, the strapping wasn't correct. There was no bracing side to side and the buckles weren't tight to the tank. The buckles against the tank skin lock the straps to keep them from pulling out.
    The top strap was pulling against the TPRV dicscharge tube.

    Also, there were only 2 screws per joint at the vent connector and no screws at the draft hood feet.

    The foam rubber water line insulation was not secured and was falling off.

    Too many elbows at the TPRV 6 or so. Can't have more than 3 or 4.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Here's a new one...WATER HEATER WARNING LABEL!

    "Under this Opaque "Film", it says, " The manufacturer's Rating label has been removed. Do not install or attempt to use this water heater."

    When a WH is replaced under warranty, only the label is returned to the manufacture. The label has the serial # on it. A new WH (with a new serial #) is then given to the contractor. The old tank is supposed to be trashed.
    So when you see a WH without a label, most likely someone has turned in the label under warranty to get a new WH.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Here's a new one...WATER HEATER WARNING LABEL!

    And you have no idea what is wrong with that water heater and why it was replaced under warranty (even though that new replacement water heater never made it back there) - so ... simply write that up for replacement just like it was supposed to have been back-whenever-the-warranty-was-cashed-in.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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