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  1. #1
    Daniel J Sanderson's Avatar
    Daniel J Sanderson Guest

    Default Wall mounted water heater platform secure?


    While inspecting a condo I found they had a suspended water heater but it was attached both to the ceiling and the wall (usually its one or the other). And it is attached to the wall using screws. The water heater is a 47 Gal. I think it needs to be secured by something stronger like bolts. I am even wondering if it is a manufactured platform or contractor made. What do you guys think?



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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Wall mounted water heater platform secure?

    Not a big deal. This weighs less than 500 lbs and is a dead load. As long as I saw no deflection or other distress I would nod and move on.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

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