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  1. #1
    JD Johnson's Avatar
    JD Johnson Guest

    Default Are sink shut-off valves required?

    Hello all and Merry Christmas - I have a quick question about a new construction home I recently inspected. NONE of the bathroom sinks had shut-off valves, so I plan to include this as an Informational item on my report, but could not find any documentation in the Florida Building Code that these are actually a required device. Can someone let me know if shut-off valves are actually required under a building code?

    If shut-off valves are required, I can make a stronger statement, encouraging the installation of these devices - so any documentation you can site would be appreciated.

    Thanks much and have a safe holiday season

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Are sink shut-off valves required?

    I can't speak on the Florida requirements, but was this house plumbed with PEX? Sometimes there is a master manifold with shutoffs that would fulfill any requirments of a shutoff.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  3. #3
    JD Johnson's Avatar
    JD Johnson Guest

    Default Re: Are sink shut-off valves required?

    The house was copper, as much as I could see...and I could find no PEX manifold.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Are sink shut-off valves required?

    2003 IRC P2903.9.3
    An individual shutoff valve shall be required on the fixture supply pipe to each plumbing fixture other than bathtubs & showers.
    If it is a PEX system with manifold the valves should be labeled with the fixture served.

    Clarksville Home Inspection
    JW Goad
    TN License #307 | KY License #2402

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Are sink shut-off valves required?

    Quote Originally Posted by JD Johnson View Post
    but could not find any documentation in the Florida Building Code that these are actually a required device. Can someone let me know if shut-off valves are actually required under a building code?
    From the 2004 Florida Residential Code.
    - P2903.9.3 Valve requirements.
    - - Valves serving individual fixtures, appliances, risers and branches shall be provided with access. An individual shutoff valve shall be required on the fixture supply pipe to each plumbing fixture other than bathtubs and showers.

    Read the above first for which fixtures are required 'to have' valves, the below states 'where' those valves may be located.

    - P2903.8.6 Valving.
    - - Fixture valves, when installed, shall be located either at the fixture or at the manifold. If valves are installed at the manifold, they shall be labeled indicating the fixture served.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    JD Johnson's Avatar
    JD Johnson Guest

    Default Re: Are sink shut-off valves required?

    Thanks y'all -

  7. #7
    JD Johnson's Avatar
    JD Johnson Guest

    Default Re: Are sink shut-off valves required?

    Jerry - thanks, I am travelling and don't have my Code books handy, and was trying to use the online version, but I was searching the FBC and FBC Plumbing - NOT FRC! Thanks again, and y'all have a Merry Christmas!


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