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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Need some info for kitchen sink drain.

    Hello, I'm new to this site and I'm a mobile home owner, who is doing a complete remodel of a 1965 single wide with two add-on's at the front and back. Do to the last owner having issues with their drains, I've decided to replace them. In WA state is it a 2 inch drain pipe that should be ran to the 3 inch main? It will have a dishwasher and garbage disposal in the run.
    I was not there to see the existing lines ND I'm sure codes have changed since then. The only reason to be doing this is it's the only thing I can afford and it is within 5 mins from my work.
    Also the only drain line under the home is the 3 inch. Does anything smaller need to stay inside until it can drop to the 3 inch? Thanks for any info on this.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Need some info for kitchen sink drain.

    Quote Originally Posted by norman albert View Post
    Hello, I'm new to this site and I'm a mobile home owner, who is doing a complete remodel of a 1965 single wide with two add-on's at the front and back. Do to the last owner having issues with their drains, I've decided to replace them. In WA state is it a 2 inch drain pipe that should be ran to the 3 inch main? It will have a dishwasher and garbage disposal in the run.
    I was not there to see the existing lines ND I'm sure codes have changed since then. The only reason to be doing this is it's the only thing I can afford and it is within 5 mins from my work.
    Also the only drain line under the home is the 3 inch. Does anything smaller need to stay inside until it can drop to the 3 inch? Thanks for any info on this.
    I believe that according to the UPC, a 2" drain pipe is required if there is a sink, disposal, and dishwasher. The IRC is probably the same.

    However, mobile & manufactured homes are not necessarily held to the UPC or IRC. Manufactured homes are constructed under HUD standards and repairs/modifications are overseen at the state level by Washington's equivalent to California's Housing and Community Development.

    In addition to the drain piping, you indicated that you would be adding-on. Since these types of homes are engineered structures, adding-on may not be possible. I recommend contacting the Washington State department that oversees manufactured & mobile homes to find out what is and is not allowed and what the permit and inspection process is.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Need some info for kitchen sink drain.

    Not adding on but it's already added on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Need some info for kitchen sink drain.

    Let me clarify, the add-ons were done by the company who moved it to the location. They are meant for the moblie home. There are outlets outside at each corner where they are added on at to allow power to those areas. Even the heating ducts are linked together. So I don't think there is any violation in code.
    What I'm doing is updating all electrical, appliances and plumbing. The old owner had issues with draining. I found out why. They went and crimped all the air vent pipes in the roof. Don't ask me why, I can't figure out what they were thinking. All I know is due to there brainstorm, I now have to revent everything. So I already started with opening up all of the roof vents to insert new pipe. Built a platform for my tub to run the piping under it so it doesn't go outside till it drops to the 3-inch main.
    I'm running pex.inside instead of galvanized pipe outside.

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