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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Default Hi, fellow curious people

    Mostly just posting to get rid of the stickey...
    Jack of all trades, master of some for going on 50 years now
    Currently remediating porch columns, and helping a neighbor's son getting his first house into shape...more or less punch-out work on an old house...
    Plenty to fix, but the highlights were the kitchen sink with no trap, and the over stove exhaust hood, not ducted, but whoever put it up neglected to remove the cover over the front vent, left the damper screwed to the underside where the manufacturer puts it for shipping, and tossed the charcoal filter...
    This country gets any lazier and dumber, we won't deserve the good fortune we've had....

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Hi, fellow curious people

    Hello fellow fixer-upper!

    It sounds like you've got your hands full but are tackling those challenges head-on, which is admirable. It's impressive to see the breadth of projects you're managing, from porch columns to kitchen fixes. Handling a kitchen sink without a trap and an incorrectly installed exhaust hood can definitely be tricky, but it sounds like you're more than up for the task.

    At Aaron Services, we often encounter similar situations where small oversights during installation can lead to bigger headaches down the road. Your attention to detail in noticing things like the damper placement and missing charcoal filter is crucial and exactly the kind of diligence that prevents future problems. It?s a good reminder for all of us that taking a little extra time to do things right the first time can save a lot of time and money later.

    If you or your neighbor's son ever find yourselves in need of professional advice or if some of these fixes get a bit out of hand, remember that our experts are just a call away. We specialize in a range of services, from plumbing to HVAC, and we're always ready to help make sure everything in your home works perfectly?no matter how big or small the job may be.

    Keep up the great work, and remember that the care you put into these homes now is an investment in their future. Don?t hesitate to reach out if you need any professional advice or assistance!

    Best of luck with all your projects!


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