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  1. #1
    Haniel Croitoru's Avatar
    Haniel Croitoru Guest

    Arrow Online Information Database for Mechanical System

    Hi all,

    During my home inspections I find that I spend a bit of time deciphering data and determining age, and other information. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a system where you can enter a bit of information (such as a model number or serial number) and POOF >>> you get all the information you need about the system? Technical specifications, age, recalls, etc.?

    I put together a short survey (10 questions) to get everyone's input on this topic. If the feedback is favorable, then maybe in the not-so-distant future, it may be a dream no more! I would appreciate it if everyone could take 5 minutes or less to provide me with some feedback. The survey can be found at Online Information System Survey


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Southwest US

    Default Re: Online Information Database for Mechanical System

    Very good idea, I hope it takes off. There is a similar system (recallcheck I think) but it is far too expensive for everyday use, Maybe something with a reasonable annual fee (rather than per inspection) would be good.
    BTW, the survey takes less than a minute!

  3. #3
    Haniel Croitoru's Avatar
    Haniel Croitoru Guest

    Default Re: Online Information Database for Mechanical System

    Thanks for the feedback. Based on the feedback I've been getting so far, most inspectors would not be interested at any cost and surprisingly even if it were free, only a few would supply information beyond the SOP to their clients. Let's wait and see what more responses will tell.



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