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Thread: please identify

  1. #1
    Jerome W. Young's Avatar
    Jerome W. Young Guest

    Default please identify

    what are these devices exactly? what do they do, why are some bonded? or are they grounded? and some not.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: please identify

    My guess is Intermatic controls for low voltage lights.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  3. #3
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: please identify

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerome W. Young View Post
    what are these devices exactly? what do they do, why are some bonded? or are they grounded? and some not.
    Jerome: They appear to be Intermatic exterior-rated junction boxes. They are probably being used for a landscape or other exterior lighting system.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: please identify

    Those are usually used for pool light junction boxes. The pool light is wired up to those junction boxes and power for the pool lights is brought to those junction boxes.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    Jerome W. Young's Avatar
    Jerome W. Young Guest

    Default Re: please identify

    that is a bonding lug on each of these disconnects correct?


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