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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Post Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    InspectionNews has found this information related to pools and spas that might be of interest to you.

    Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning
    KVOA Tucson News
    Now it's turned into a tragic reminder of the importance of pool safety and watching over your kids. Braswell said, "It's one of those things in Southern Arizona we need to think about year round. When January comes around we need to make our new years ...

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  2. #2
    Tom Mcdonald's Avatar
    Tom Mcdonald Guest

    Default Re: Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning
    KVOA Tucson News
    Now it's turned into a tragic reminder of the importance of pool safety and watching over your kids. Braswell said, "It's one of those things in Southern Arizona we need to think about year round. When January comes around we need to make our new years ...

    This was just down the street from my house

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Tyler, TX

    Default Re: Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    This happened in our community about 8 months ago. The babysitter and her family go to our church and is in my Sunday school class. They, as well as the family, were obviously devastated.

    The door going to the pool didn't have an alarm on it and the family normally kept it locked. The babysitter was accustomed to having the family ensure this door always remained.

    Unfortunately, that day the door wasn't locked and the child went out of the door, fell in the pool and drowned.

    Bruce Thompson, Lic. #9199
    Home Inspections in the Tyler and East Texas area

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Southwest US

    Default Re: Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    It's a sad story, one we get 7 or 8 times a year. But I had a client ask me the other day, why don't we have to fence ponds and streams and water features? You never seem to hear about kids drowning in them??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    Well sometimes children do drown in those other bodies of water, but in most instances they are a further distance then just out the back or side door and perhaps adults or older children may be more apt to be with them or close by? Also perhaps the child is more or so familiar with the pool that they are not afraid to get to close. Not sure on that theory.

  6. #6
    Daniel Mummey's Avatar
    Daniel Mummey Guest

    Default Re: Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    I'm one who feels strongly about potential drowning hazards. On the Oregon coast we don't have unsupervised swimming pools. Heck we don't have swimming pools, to speak of, BUT there are a few unsecured hot tubs and unattended stagnate landscape ponds that are an attractive nuisance. These occur on both vacation rental properties and foreclosed properties. When I'm reporting on these I make sure I include these conditions as potential safety hazards. Even when these conditions are not barred on private properties, I'm not going to be the one that didn't say something. Something more personal is the fact that I've seen the pain of guilt & remorse of one of my long-time Young Life leaders who lost his 10 year old son 12 years ago in an unattended swimming pool. Diligence due.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    In the 1988 Phoenix had a rash of drowning in the 30's in 1 year. It was then they created the ordiance that requires a barrier between the house and pool.

    I need to revise that as it was closer to 100.

    Last edited by Robert Hronek; 02-21-2011 at 04:33 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Neighborhood shocked by toddler's drowning - KVOA Tucson News

    Years past if a home I was inspecting or a home next door I put in my inspection report. ( any home or neighbor home with a swimming pool should be inspected by a expert in swimming pools evaluated for safety and current standards. This should be a very high priorty for Seller, Buyer; and both selling and listing agents.


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