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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    La$ Vega$, Nevada

    Default Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    I"m heading to a meeting with our State (Nevada) board in a day or two... They have proposed making pool and spa inspections a 'Prohibited' activity for Certified Home Inspectors. So... my post today has a two-fold purpose.

    #1. I'm tired of seeing the 'blurb' at the top of every page telling me that I haven't 'posted' yet... Ok..ok... so I'm a better 'lurker' and 'learner' than 'leader'... This post should help with that little problem.

    #2. More importantly... Does your 'State' SOP's have a Pool/Spa inspection protocol that I could look at on-line? Ditto for NAHI, ASHI, ASI, NATCHI, ETC...

    Your kind assistance is appreciated guys!

    Glenn Rebel Curtis III
    La$ Vega$, Nevada

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    Scroll down to 12.


    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    Don't quote me but I think as of next year one will have to be "certified" as a pool inspector not a "CPO" (certified pool operator) to inspect pools per NSPF guidelines.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    La$ Vega$, Nevada

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Scroll down to 12.

    Wow! Quick response guys!
    Thanks Jerry...and Rick. I've read a lot of (both) your posts and appreciate the depth and 'quality' of your answers.
    Thanks for the 'link' Jerry... I like that it's 'Optional' in FLA-SOP's.
    Rick...I've always leaned toward NSPI... I always wanted to see some 'entity' (and NSPI is as good as any) provide an 'Pool-Inspector' cert, to satisfy those people...and situations...where a cert would be taken more seriously than 'we' are. I, like Jerry...think 'Certs' reflect more one's ability to take-and-pass tests rather than a reflection of one's abilities...but in an imperfect's one more door-stop that comes in handy at times. Kind of like my 'Blackbelt'. Great for holding up my trousers and for use as a 'tourniquet' on clients whose checks-bounce!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    Remember there is a difference in doing a pool inspection to an associations SoP and doing one to a published consensus standard (although the FABI SoP was consensus based within FABI).

    With one, you are a "home inspector" inspecting the pool during the home inspection.

    With the other, you are acting as a certified, qualified "Pool and Spa Inspector", not addressing the pool and spa as it relates to the "home inspection", but as it relates to itself, and ending up "certifying" the pool and spa.

    That last part is a biggie. Not sure I would want to do that.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mesa AZ

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn Curtis View Post
    I"m heading to a meeting with our State (Nevada) board in a day or two... They have proposed making pool and spa inspections a 'Prohibited' activity for Certified Home Inspectors. So... my post today has a two-fold purpose.

    #1. I'm tired of seeing the 'blurb' at the top of every page telling me that I haven't 'posted' yet... Ok..ok... so I'm a better 'lurker' and 'learner' than 'leader'... This post should help with that little problem.

    #2. More importantly... Does your 'State' SOP's have a Pool/Spa inspection protocol that I could look at on-line? Ditto for NAHI, ASHI, ASI, NATCHI, ETC...

    Your kind assistance is appreciated guys!

    Glenn Rebel Curtis III
    La$ Vega$, Nevada
    Arizona is in the process of attempting to create a pool SOP.
    A copy of the AZ Pool & Spa Standards and Report Review Checklist is on the az ashi site.. Arizona ASHI Home Inspections

  7. #7
    Scott Mitchell's Avatar
    Scott Mitchell Guest

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???


    Do you have any background on why they want to make Pool-Spa inspections a "Prohibited Act"?

    # 1 NV Real Estate; says this has no ecomonic impact, Oh really! Who's going to do the inspection, "The Pool Guy"? Conflict of interest!

    # 2 The ISO Regs don't have anything in them covering juristiction over pool or spas inspections.

    # 3 The Administrator has the authority to form a task force on related ISO issues, why wasn't this done?

    # 4 The ISO administration doesn't even have a "ISO certified inspecotor on staff, how can they determine what is proper conduct of any inspection.

    # 5 RE ISO administration has allowed credit hours for Cont. Ed in the recent past for in Pool-Spa inspection courses, how are going to back-track on that one?

    Glen, Give me a call if you get this before the three times a charm! scheduled meeting on Nov. 10th.

    Yours Truly,

    Scott Mitchell

    Scott Mitchell

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    South Carolina:

    Systems and conditions that are not within the scope of the inspection include, but are not limited to: environmental
    hazards (e.g. lead paint, formaldehyde, toxic or flammable materials, asbestos, radon); pest infestation; portable appliances (e.g.
    washer, dryers, window air conditioners); security systems; telephone or television systems, fire or lawn sprinklers; swimming
    pools; spas or jetted tubs; tennis courts; playground or other recreational or leisure appliances or equipment; below ground
    septic or drainage systems; water wells; zoning ordinances; or any items considered cosmetic in nature. Any general comments
    about these systems and conditions are informational only and do not represent an inspection.

    Myrtle Beach Home inspector, Home Inspection Services, Home inspections Myrtle Beach,

    Critical Home Inspection Services

  9. #9
    Jonathan Cartwright's Avatar
    Jonathan Cartwright Guest

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    Quote Originally Posted by Victor DaGraca View Post
    South Carolina:

    Systems and conditions that are not within the scope of the inspection include, but are not limited to: environmental
    hazards (e.g. lead paint, formaldehyde, toxic or flammable materials, asbestos, radon); pest infestation; portable appliances (e.g.
    washer, dryers, window air conditioners); security systems; telephone or television systems, fire or lawn sprinklers; swimming
    pools; spas or jetted tubs; tennis courts; playground or other recreational or leisure appliances or equipment; below ground
    septic or drainage systems; water wells; zoning ordinances; or any items considered cosmetic in nature. Any general comments
    about these systems and conditions are informational only and do not represent an inspection.

    Myrtle Beach Home inspector, Home Inspection Services, Home inspections Myrtle Beach,
    I think the issue is that the Nevada Real Estate Division has proposed making the inspection of pools and spas "prohibited" and not just outside the scope of a traditional home inspection. By saying prohibited what liability protection as an inspector do you have? If I don't say ANYTHING about a pool because the state says I cannot but the pool has poor or no barriers or other obvious safety issues how do I justify that in the lawsuit later? The state will offer me no protection and the plaintiffs attorney will destroy me if someone gets hurt or killed in the un-safe pool.
    I do not do pool inspections but I try to keep up with safety issues and note such items when I see them - I just dont operate pool equipment or comment on general maintenance items that might be construed as having done a pool inspection.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Cartwright View Post
    f I don't say ANYTHING about a pool because the state says I cannot but the pool has poor or no barriers or other obvious safety issues how do I justify that in the lawsuit later?
    I suspect that being "prohibited" from inspecting pools is not also being prohibited from writing up lack of child barriers, after all, the child barrier are to "separate the pool" from the other areas.

    However, the wording of the prohibition would determine whether or not you would be allowed to inspected and comment on pool equipment and items pertaining to and of the pool only. After all, pool equipment is *not just unsafe for pool users*, when it is unsafe it is typically unsafe for non-pool users who happen to be around or touching the equipment.

    It would all depend on the wording and definitions.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  11. #11
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Does your 'State' have Pool Inspection SOP's???

    I have taken countless pool classes over the years whether it be for a refresher or for cont ed hours.

    We can inspect pools as an option and I do all the time. Safety, safety, safety. If you are already familiar with the safety aspects you about have it covered. The electric for safety, barriers of all kinds. You don't have to look at a thousand pools to realize it needs an interior finish. Cracks, decks, pump filter heater, nearby or overhead (hope not) electric etc, etc, etc,

    Yes there is a lot to it but if I did not do pools there are a lot of inspections I would not be doing. Same as a home inspection, if you find concerns it is time for the pro to come in for further or deeper eval and repair. Every other year I take a course or at least a refresher course on pools.


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