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  1. #1
    Loretta Lang's Avatar
    Loretta Lang Guest

    Default Water heater noises

    We bought our house 4 months ago. My husband deployed to Afghanastan and now my water heater making gurgling noises. It is only 2 years old. Something I should be worried about? Did not want to call plumber if I did not have to spend any extra money. Cannot see any leaks...just the weird noise after running hot water. Thanks for any help. Army wife.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Water heater noises

    It is likely nothing to be alarmed about.
    If it is a gas or oil fired water heater the flame heats the bottom of a tank filled with water and sometimes the water at the bottom will actually boil momentarily before mixing with the colder water above. The same thing can happen with an electric heater but to a lesser degree since the electric heating elements are immersed in water midway up the tank. The electric heater noises I would describe more as "fizzing" than "gurgling".
    Water heaters in general should be drained annually to flush out sediment that collects in the bottom of the tank. The sediment can add to the intensity of gurgling noises. There is likely instructions in the owners manual which should be near the heater. A quick internet search can usually turn up missing documents should the need arise using the brand and model number from the data plate information.

    Thank you, your family, and your husband for your service.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  3. #3
    Loretta Lang's Avatar
    Loretta Lang Guest

    Default Re: Water heater noises

    Mr. Luttrall:
    Thank you for your thoughts both on the water heater noises, and especially on your thoughts for my husband and our family. God Bless You.
    Sgt. L. Lang

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Water heater noises

    Noisy Water Heater - Solving Hot Water Heater Noise Problems

    This website might help. It lists the various noises, rumbling, ticking, fizzing or popping and what causes each.

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  5. #5
    Loretta Lang's Avatar
    Loretta Lang Guest

    Default Re: Water heater noises

    Thank you for the information on waterheaters.


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