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  1. #1
    Pamela Mitchell's Avatar
    Pamela Mitchell Guest

    Default Protection from Vehicle Damgage

    This issue has been addressed before but no timeframes given (that I could find). Home was built in 2000 and the GAS hot water heater and furnace in garage has no bollard or anchored curbing to prevent vehicle from damaging them. Is this a code violation, installation violation, any violation? If so, is it only after a certain year. I know they need it, but who is responsible, builder, seller, new homeowner?

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  2. #2
    James Duffin's Avatar
    James Duffin Guest

    Default Re: Protection from Vehicle Damgage

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamela Mitchell View Post
    This issue has been addressed before but no timeframes given (that I could find). Home was built in 2000 and the GAS hot water heater and furnace in garage has no bollard or anchored curbing to prevent vehicle from damaging them. Is this a code violation, installation violation, any violation? If so, is it only after a certain year. I know they need it, but who is responsible, builder, seller, new homeowner?
    I don' think anyone is really responsible so it is who is willing to do it. I doubt it will be the builder so that leaves the seller or the buyer. The buyer is in the cat-bird seat since they have the money and can walk so I would say it is the sellers responsibility if they want to sell the house. Whether or not the code required it really does not matter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Protection from Vehicle Damgage

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamela Mitchell View Post
    This issue has been addressed before but no timeframes given (that I could find). Home was built in 2000 and the GAS hot water heater and furnace in garage has no bollard or anchored curbing to prevent vehicle from damaging them. Is this a code violation, installation violation, any violation? If so, is it only after a certain year. I know they need it, but who is responsible, builder, seller, new homeowner?
    I guess it would be whoever owns the home. As James said, it really does not matter who is at fault. It needs to be corrected.

    This is an inexpensive fix. You can buy a bolt down bollard for about $50 and then have it secured to the floor for about the same amount if not less. So for about $100 or less the problem can be taken care of!

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Atlanta, Georgia

    Default Re: Protection from Vehicle Damgage

    IRC 2000/2006 has this to say about that:

    M1307.3.1 Protection from impact. Appliances located in a garage or carport shall be protected from impact by automobiles.

    Keep in mind the average life expectancy of a water heater is 8-11 years. If house was built in 2000, it is probably time for a new water heater. HVAC life expectancy is about 12 years. Again, probably showing wear and in need of replacement or at least servicing.

    Originally it was the builders responsibility. Now it is point of contention between the seller and buyer.

    "The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Southwest US

    Default Re: Protection from Vehicle Damgage

    Unfortunately, It's an item often not enforced or required by the local AHJ.
    And, if not an enforced code item, nobody "needs" to correct it.


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