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  1. #1
    Russell Posyton's Avatar
    Russell Posyton Guest

    Default Cabinet too close to stove top

    Hello, I am converting from electric to gas. The clearance from the stove top to the bottom of the cabinets (r&l) is approx 16 1/2 in. The code calls for 18 in. Can the bottom of the cabinets be shielded and then meet code requirements? If so can you tell me what the specs would be on that or where I can find a write up on it. Thank you very much, in advance!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    leonardo, new jersey

    Default Re: Cabinet too close to stove top

    First you need to look at the maunufactures specs, depending on that model, there can be a side clearance too, then submit what you propose to use as a shield to the authority having jurisdiction and see if they approve. Just installing a particular gage of metal does not warrant an approved assembly, most of your residential hoods are 22 gage

    Joseph Ehrhardt
    Building Forensic Specialist LLC

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Lake Barrington, IL

    Default Re: Cabinet too close to stove top

    Metal conducts heat so that is not going to help. If you used a material that had any insulating characteristics then you'll probably be dealing with some thickness which will bump off the 16.5" you have now. In my experience, trying to put something in between two surfaces does not change the spacing requirements. If the AHJ is willing to make an allowance I'd get that in writing.

    Eric Barker, ACI
    Lake Barrington, IL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Cabinet too close to stove top

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Posyton View Post
    Hello, I am converting from electric to gas. The clearance from the stove top to the bottom of the cabinets (r&l) is approx 16 1/2 in. The code calls for 18 in.
    You are, I presume, referring the upper cabinets off to the sides of the stove top, right?

    Typically, gas stoves have a greater side clearance than is required for electric stoves - of course, though, this depends on the stove and its installation instructions, which is why I said "typically".

    Can the bottom of the cabinets be shielded and then meet code requirements? If so can you tell me what the specs would be on that or where I can find a write up on it.
    Typically, no, the bottom of the cabinets cannot be shielded, and you can find that information which is specific to your appliance in the installation instructions.

    Also keep in mind that most installation instruction will show the depth of the upper cabinets at 13" projection from the wall, and most will be around 14" (when you measure including the cabinet doors).

    I had an installation in a new house earlier this week where the gas cooktop required 12" side clearance (there was only 5" side clearance), so they were going to install an electric cooktop instead, until they figured out that they would have a very difficult time getting the circuit there, so the owner allowed the builder to remove the two offending cabinets on each side and ... the owner liked it even better with the cabinets removed as it opened up the area around the stove (so much for doing like the decorator magazines show ).

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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