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  1. #1
    Marianne Shamlou's Avatar
    Marianne Shamlou Guest

    Default build a cantilever deck/balcony

    We would like to build a cantilevered deck that hangs over a retaining wall. Is this possible? Where would the support joists go? The retaining wall is directly behind our house. Our backyard is basically a few feet of level ground behind the house and then it dropps off (retaining wall). We would like to extend out and create more space back there.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: build a cantilever deck/balcony

    Quote Originally Posted by Marianne Shamlou View Post
    We would like to build a cantilevered deck that hangs over a retaining wall. Is this possible? Where would the support joists go? The retaining wall is directly behind our house. Our backyard is basically a few feet of level ground behind the house and then it dropps off (retaining wall). We would like to extend out and create more space back there.
    Hi Marianne,

    Not a lot of information in your post. The short answer is: Cantilevered decks are possible. What you can do depends on many factors.

    First, I suggest you visit the Simpson Strong-Tie website. They have a section specifically on deck construction and design that might be helpful. Simpson Strong-Tie - Helping to Build Stronger, Safer Structures

    Second, get a licensed and qualified contractor to take a look at your site and the retaining wall to determine how to support the deck.

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