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Thread: water leaks

  1. #1
    sharonlear's Avatar
    sharonlear Guest

    Default water leaks

    Hi-We have recently confirmed that we have a leak in the attic where the heater vent pipe exits the roof. This appears to be a flashing issue -- not an enormous problem to fix. The previous owners had the roof installed about 4 years ago. Is it reasonable for us to call the company that installed the roof and request that they fix it? I suspect this problem existed when we bought the house because I saw water in the attic once before, 2 years ago. Since then, we've mostly been in a drought, so we just now noticed water again.

    Also, we have a similar question regarding a window leaking. We see faint streaks (water stains) on the drywall under the window. Previous homeowners had siding replaced 6 years ago with hardiboard. We suspect they didn't flash the window properly, but how can we tell for sure? The window is definitely old...25 years, double-hung, wood. Still, the stains are under the window, as if it's a flashing issue. No other symptoms, no flaking paint on sill. Is it ridiculous to contact the remodeling company after 6 years?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: water leaks

    The original roofer would not likely warranty the install to a new owner. Call a roofer you trust to repair the flashing, it shouldn't be that expensive.

    The water stains under the window could be fresh or very old. I see stains all the time that are no longer active, so you can't say for sure. Maybe they installed new flashing when the siding was replaced, and the owners never primed/painted the water stains.

    Hire an inspector to test the area if you want to know without pulling the siding off.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: water leaks

    The previous contractor isn't going to do anything for you for free under any warranty. You can call them and get an estimate for the repairs.
    If there work is already suspect, then why would you want to call them anyway.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  4. #4
    sharonlear's Avatar
    sharonlear Guest

    Default Re: water leaks

    Thanks for the suggestions. The company that did both the roof and siding is supposed to be one of the best in the city, which is why I gave it thought. All my neighbors use them for various remodeling jobs, large and small, so I would think this co. has a vested interest in maintaining a good reputation. But, it's true the roof repair shouldn't be expensive, so I will call a roofer. The window needs more investigation. If it's not flashed properly, then it probably isn't the only one (I suspect others, too), and it will be costly to repair them all. Seems like window contractors would just be interested in selling new windows. Is there some way we can determine ourselves whether it's the flashing or just an old window that's served it's time? Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: water leaks

    Post a pic, 640 X 480 pixels, of your window. We should be able to see the edges of the new flashing above the old windows.

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455


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