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  1. #1
    Jared Engeset's Avatar
    Jared Engeset Guest

    Default 1930 Townhouse Brick Damage

    Hi Everyone,

    I just received our inspection results for a 1930s townhouse in Northern VA. The house for the most part is in great shape, but I'm concerned about the backside cracks and shifting of brick. I've been through the forums reading about lintel damage and it looks pretty clear that that's what this is. My question is how severe does the damage look? The one vertical crack that runs up towards the attic vent is also right where the power joins the house.

    Thanks in advance!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Western Maryland

    Default Re: 1930 Townhouse Brick Damage

    There appears to be a couple of different dynamics going on here. In the pic with the elec service, there appears to be lateral displacement (offset) rather than just missing mortar. Is that the case? If there is any waviness or bulging?

    I can't tell from the pics, but I'm familiar with the type of construction (I'm not that far from NoVa). ANY bulging can be an indication of a very serious condition. I've seen many of them 'unzip' (separation of inner and outer wythes) and even did a post-collapse forensic analysis on one locally a few years back.

    So, if any bulging, yes, possibly severe. If none, probably not.

    Mark Fisher
    Allegany Inspection Service - Cumberland MD 21502 - 301-722-2224
    Home Inspections, Mold Testing, Thermal Imaging


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