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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default block foundation leak

    I have split entry home which was built in 1996 and I purchased in 2008.In the spring of 2009 the lower elbow of the gutter came off ( no screws) and we had a hard rain so water poured along the foundation and the ground was frozen so the rain did not drain into the soil.I am told these homes have interior drain tile and the sump hole is under the entry stairs.The drain tile has tubes feeding into it the tubes are placed into holes drilled into the bottom row of block.The basement is finished and carpeted so none of this is visible.The front of the house is brick veneer and the gutter comes down on the right hand side of this veneer.My question is why the water in this block did not drain and does anyone have any suggestions to cure this.Thanks for your help.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Bennett (Denver metro), Colorado

    Default Re: block foundation leak

    Maybe I don't understand your question. Here is my response nevertheless. There are two major components to drainage around and under a house like I think you are describing. First is positive drainage around the home. Having a sloping drainage apron surrounding the house that drains any water away from the foundation for at least five feet is important.
    Second, is the perimeter drain that I believe you are describing. Occasionally, these are not installed properly or were collapsed or broken by workers as they did the foundation. I suggest having the line scoped with a camera. Many plumbers and others offer this service. Your home inspector from when you purchased the house, likely knows a good guy with a scope. Around here, you can get this done for $100-$120. This should tell you if and where there is a problem with the drain system. Unfortunately, if there is damage to the drain and it is under your basement slab (some drain systems are on the outside of the foundation), then it can be a messy job cutting the slab and doing repairs.

    If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: block foundation leak

    The drain tile has tubes feeding into it the tubes are placed into holes drilled into the bottom row of block.
    Sound as if the hollow cores are being drained due to water entry from exterior. Not a normal installation by any means. Do you know if there is an exterior water proofing or drainage plane on exterior foundation?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: block foundation leak

    It sounds like you may be describing a B-Dry foundation drainage system. They come in and cut a trench along the foundation on the inside of the basement and add a sump pump. They drill the foundation blocks to drain water into the drain they install along the foundation wall.
    The sump pump should be visible in the area under the stairs. We call those homes split foyer's in my area. There is usually a small closet under the stairs with access to the small area under the entry area at the front door. There is sometimes a panel inside the closet you have to remove to get to that area.
    If it is a B-Dry system, they usually have a life time warranty.


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