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  1. #1
    Gordon Becker's Avatar
    Gordon Becker Guest

    Default Leaking radiator pipe

    Our home dates from the 1940's. We have an old hot water heating system combined with a newer model compact gas furnace. the house had an addition put on in 1980 and all of the newer radiators are connected with 1/2" copper pipe. The older section still has the old cast iron pipes. I would like to replace a leaking pipe/connection with Pex piping with oxygen barrier using shark bite connectors. Is this advisable?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Leaking radiator pipe

    No.Take the time and effort to install copper pipe.

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Leaking radiator pipe

    You probably have steel pipe on the old system not cast iron, also I am thinking you have a hydronic heat system (circulating hot water), with radiators. Your leak at the connection may be correctable without replacement.

    I use pex with shark bite and it can do the job, but I would suggest for you it should only be a temp. emergency repair. Granted working with steel is harder and more time consuming, which is why newer materials are being used today, but repairing with steel is the better way to go for the old system.

    I have used shark bite in many different applications and have on one occasion had a failure in the O-ring after several months from installation. Though I have confidence in using a shark bite it is not 100% as a result of a failure. Granted all material have failures at one time or another.

    Advice is to repair with like and kind material and methods.


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