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  1. #1
    Joe Sapyta's Avatar
    Joe Sapyta Guest

    Question Cracks in Bricks- need help to find an inspector in my area

    My name is Joe Sapyta. I am a DIYer who has a few places ( about 3) where there are some hair line cracks in my brick veneer on the house. They are about 1/64 to 1/32 inch wide and are not stair step. The longest one is about 15 inches (vertical) stating at a mortar joint and going down through the brick and joints below it. This one is below a brick window sill.

    I also have a crack in one corner of my basement (cinder blocked) that runs down for about 14 inches right in the corner , the shifts over about l inches and goes down a block ( about another 7 inches). I would guess this from settling. The house is 44 years old and we have had some disturbance in the last 5 years ( small earth quake tremor that did no damage in our area, and heavy duty trucks carrying large loads of dirt about 50 t0 100 feet from the house to install a sewer system in one case, and leveling of land for a housing project in the other. No damage there but could feel some shaking in house when they passed in front or behind the house. The Stucco covering cinder block in my basement stairwell also has some vertical cracks that are a 64th or smaller. these were there for over 10 years.

    Do I have a problem that needs remediation and who can I get to give me an independent evaluation for a remedy , if needed.

    I live in Lynchburg VA, area code 24502.

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    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Atlanta, Georgia

    Default Re: Cracks in Bricks- need help to find an inspector in my area

    While a Home Inspector may be able to calm your fears, a professional engineer with structural experience is what you really need. They can write a letter describing the conditions as well as design a repair if needed. If no repair is needed, they can provide a stamped document describing the condition that all is well you can use at resell to prove the cracks are meaningless.

    Should cost $300-$500 to have a engineer review your cracks. A home inspection would cost about the same but would simply be an opinion that would have very little legal standing.

    Depends on whether you want an informed opinion or a legally binding opinion.

    "The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."

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