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  1. #1
    JD Johnson's Avatar
    JD Johnson Guest

    Default Multiple InspectVue libraries on same data card?

    Does any InspectVue users know if you can load multiple libraries on the same data card? Before I tried this and crashed the PDA program, I wanted to see it is possible and the software works with multiple libraries on the same data card.

    Thanks in advance.

    Peace, and inspect safely.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Multiple InspectVue libraries on same data card?

    It depends on the size of the data card, and the size of your libraries. I have many inspection Templates, but use the same Library.
    I just checked the manual and it talks about installing multiple libraries on the Pocket PC.
    Make sure you format the card suing FAT and not FAT32.
    Some Libraries are quite large, so your card may not be large enough.

    However, a year or so ago, my Pocket pC refused to load my Libraries, or even sync the Program. That's when i quit using the PDA and started just using my laptop. Since I could get nothing from PVS as far as help, I just quit using them.
    I found that I really don't miss the PDA very much. I just sold one of them today on E-Bay and have two more to list.

  3. #3
    JD Johnson's Avatar
    JD Johnson Guest

    Default Re: Multiple InspectVue libraries on same data card?

    Thanks for the info, Jack. My company uses multiple man inspection teams on the same property, so the PDA with a SD card is the best method that I have found to merge multiple Sections from different cards onto a single report.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Multiple InspectVue libraries on same data card?

    Gothcha. I also did two inspectors on a job with pocket pc's too. it worked really well. I forgot about that part, since I haven't done "team inspections" in several years.

    i usually only did them during the training period, slow times, and really large houses or multi dwellings. Though, I guess two people could use the laptop too.


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