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  1. #1
    Doug Haglund's Avatar
    Doug Haglund Guest

    Default Template for Commercial buildings

    I was contacted by Realtor to do a inspection on a commercial building, need help on a template I could use for this, I do have software for single family but not for commercial building. If anybody has a template I could download & use would great.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Template for Commercial buildings

    I've done lots of multi-family and small commerical buildings and have always just modified my residential form or just started from scratch. I think you'll have a hard time finding a template (or at least one that fits your needs) since commercial buildings are all so unique.

    In the end people really just want a list of problems so as long as you're satisfying any SOP requirements (if any even apply) you can pretty much do anything that conveys the information adequately.

  3. #3
    Doug Haglund's Avatar
    Doug Haglund Guest

    Default Re: Template for Commercial buildings

    Thanks Matt, that's what I'll do, maybe just use Words, or any other program I can insert some pictures, any suggestions on that or any other program that I could insert pictures?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: Template for Commercial buildings

    Download/buy a copy of ASTM 2018 as a reference guide for these reports. As Matt said, it's pretty much the same set-up. On a commercial inspection, consider asking your client what their goals are with the property, beyond just purchase I'm assuming. Knowing that, often helps tailor the report a bit to the client's needs, which of course makes them happy.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"


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