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  1. #1
    imported_John Smith's Avatar
    imported_John Smith Guest

    Default Tech Shield Inspection For Water Intrusion

    With standard plywood or OSB roof decking, its usually fairly easy to tell if it has gotten wet when looking at the side facing the attic space. When I look at Tech Shield decking and similar products, I always wonder how I would really be able to tell if it the roof had been leaking. I obviously look at the rafters and all other accessible components, but am curious if there are any tip offs that the Tech Shield has been saturated. I assume the foil will stay bonded even if the OSB gets wet.

    Any suggestions?

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  2. #2
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Tech Shield Inspection For Water Intrusion

    Quote Originally Posted by imported_John Smith View Post
    With standard plywood or OSB roof decking, its usually fairly easy to tell if it has gotten wet when looking at the side facing the attic space. When I look at Tech Shield decking and similar products, I always wonder how I would really be able to tell if it the roof had been leaking. I obviously look at the rafters and all other accessible components, but am curious if there are any tip offs that the Tech Shield has been saturated. I assume the foil will stay bonded even if the OSB gets wet.

    Any suggestions?
    The OSB will still swell and I have also seen the foil lift off the OSB after getting wet repeatedly. If it just started getting slightly moist it is a lot harder to see the swelled area. I still think it is a great product. I appreciate it in attic I inspect in the summer. It is always far cooler. Anywhere between 15 and twenty degrees depending on proper ventilation but still cooler.


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