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  1. #1
    Clay E White's Avatar
    Clay E White Guest

    Default Fasteners - comp shingles

    Last edited by Clay E White; 01-04-2008 at 02:48 PM.
    OREP Insurance

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fasteners - comp shingles

    I always recommend that all exposed fasteners be sealed of course, but I believe the reasoning behind this is that water is not shedding down onto those nails. (little exposure compared to the rest of the roof where water is draining onto areas below)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Fasteners - comp shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Clay E White View Post
    Why is it acceptable practice to have fasteners through the shingles at hip/ridge shingles?

    Cost of sealing them over.

    Looks, because it 'looks bad' when sealed over.

    I'd think that if you are not allowed to install fasteners through the field shingles the same theory should apply to ridge or hip shingles - they could leak.
    Yep. They should be sealed over with membrane and plastic roof cement.

    Of course, though, try cutting a small piece of membrane (asphalt impregnated fiber glass tape), you will end up with about a 2"-3" square or larger if it is to do any good. Apply plastic roof cement, set the membrane in it, then apply another bit a plastic roof cement over the membrane.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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