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  1. #1
    Rick Burkman's Avatar
    Rick Burkman Guest

    Default Soffit Vent Placement?

    This is an atypical soffit vent placement for this region (northern WI) and maybe for everywhere. The vents are placed in the soffit near the wall intersection rather than at the outer edge of the soffit. These were found on a house with vaulted ceilings and large soffit overhangs - but there are lots of houses with big overhangs - this is the only that I have come across with this vent placement position. The soffit vent placement is the same around the whole home, including the gable ends. Any idea why they would be placed like this?

    Thanks everyone!

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  2. #2
    Leigh Goodman's Avatar
    Leigh Goodman Guest

    Default Re: Soffit Vent Placement?

    I see this from time to time and do not consider it to be a defect. If the vent is not covered with insulation or obstructed in some other way I believe that air will be admitted just as easily in either outer or inner configuration.
    As always I am open to others opinions on the subject.


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