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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Columbus, OH

    Default Face Nailed Shingles

    What is the proper procedure for dealing with exposed nails on an asphalt shingle roof?

    The only place I can't figure out how one would would eliminate face is on the ridge/hip shingles. The last one would need to be face nailed. Same with the overhanging peak of a rake that's on the side of the house. So, what do with exposed nails?

    I generally see them on the lower edges of flashing and they're covered with roofing cement. I know that's wrong because nails shouldn't be there in the first place...


    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    For the exposed nails on hip and ridge shingles (the last shingle to be installed), roof cement, membrane, roof cement.

    Roof cement only allows the nail create a crack around the nail head - the membrane eliminates that.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Frank Adame's Avatar
    Frank Adame Guest

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    I just inspected three new-builds in a new subdivision where numerous nail heads were plainly visible throughout the entire roof areas. I asked the builder what's up with that. He said that is just the way it is. Getting a roofer that can handle quantity is tough to find. He had no choice. I asked him to climb up there and take a look. He said he couldn't, he might fall. (He was a young 30-something). He finally said he didn't have time to argue with me and left.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bennett (Denver metro), Colorado

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Adame View Post
    I just inspected three new-builds in a new subdivision where numerous nail heads were plainly visible throughout the entire roof areas. I asked the builder what's up with that. He said that is just the way it is. Getting a roofer that can handle quantity is tough to find. He had no choice. I asked him to climb up there and take a look. He said he couldn't, he might fall. (He was a young 30-something). He finally said he didn't have time to argue with me and left.
    Poor clumsy baby......but what will the AHJ say?

    If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Lon Henderson View Post
    Poor clumsy baby......but what will the AHJ say?
    I wouldn't be so hard on the Builder for not going onto the roof. There are so many HIs that do not go onto the roof and have done thousands of inspections. Why? They may fall off?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    The builder is right. Finding a roofer that could handle volume when you are paying below fair market rates is tough to find. Give him a rough count, pictures and let him deal with it. Numerous nail heads is never acceptable.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Numerous nail heads exposed means the shingles were not installed to manufacturer specs and won't be covered by warranty. The manufacturer usually gives you a line to nail on or two lines to nail between. If you can't do that while still moving at a good pace, you should probably change careers.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Every exposed nail head will be a leak. They may take a while for them to show, but I just completed tearing off a roof that had nails too close to the edge joints and exposed nails everywhere. Customer had no recourse as builder was long gone and statue of limitations is 7 years around here. Homeowner had to replace 12yr old roof, 17 sheets of plywood and has to repair interior water damage. There is no coverage for roof under manufacturers warranty. Ask the builder if he plans to come back to make repairs when the leaks occur?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Lon Henderson View Post
    ......but what will the AHJ say?
    Looks good from the street ... where's the permit card to sign off?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  10. #10
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    Bennett (Denver metro), Colorado

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Looks good from the street ... where's the permit card to sign off?
    Yeah, that happens, but I've seen some walking roofs. I've also seen some who know the builder, like (or trust) the builder, and just do a quick walk around before signing the card. In fact, when I was a hammer swinger, I knew a few AHJs who treated my jobs that way.

    If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Lon Henderson View Post
    ... but I've seen some walking roofs.
    I didn't see you standing down there on the ground.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  12. #12
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    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    In roofing trade vernacular, an exposed nail head is called a "shiner." If such installations are common in the OP's home state, it's no wonder a famous Texas malted beverage is called Shiner Bock.

    Should have used a crew that spoke at least a little English.

  13. #13
    Frank Adame's Avatar
    Frank Adame Guest

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    I tell the buyers that not speaking or reading English is no excuse. Every bundle of shingles has drawings. Just like the installation drawings for air handlers and water heaters. But those installations are a whole other story.

  14. #14
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    FL, TX

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason V. Advani View Post
    What is the proper procedure for dealing with exposed nails on an asphalt shingle roof?

    The only place I can't figure out how one would would eliminate face is on the ridge/hip shingles. The last one would need to be face nailed. Same with the overhanging peak of a rake that's on the side of the house. So, what do with exposed nails?

    I generally see them on the lower edges of flashing and they're covered with roofing cement. I know that's wrong because nails shouldn't be there in the first place...


    Finding "quality" personnel is never the issue, the BOSS is the ISSUE. Meaning the contractor himself.

    I know this is not your responsibility but I would (or have your client)

    1. Call the manufacturer of the shingles and demand and inspection to assure that the waranty is valid. Tell them what the problem is and have them address it in writing.
    2. REJECT THE roof as not installed to code in writing, copy the city inspector with pictures, period.
    3. If the contractor gives you any crap, tell him that he needs to upgrade his insurance so that he can walk a roof and be covered, that it is HIS responsibility to assure installation to manufacturere spec and to code.
    4. STAND BACK and watch the fun. Chances are the entire roof will be requried to be demo and reinstall.
    5 DO NOT ALLOW AN OVERLAY ROOF. This is a new install not overalay and it shojld be a new install.

    4 years running roofing crews and I never had a shiner from any of my men, ever. They knew tehy would not be back if it happened. (I do remember a nail gun firing and creating a shiner, we tore up three courses and fixed it then, cheaper and better than doing it later)

  15. #15
    Frank Adame's Avatar
    Frank Adame Guest

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    I happened to be in the vicinity of "Shinerville" again yesterday so I dropped by, asked my client who bought the house, for permission to climb his roof again. I was interested to see how the builder repaired the exposed nails. Nothing had been done even though the owner was told repairs had been made. The owner was livid. I told him to ask the builder about the manufacturer's warranty. I'll be interested to learn what other bs the owner will be shoveled.

    For Texas inspectors, this is a D.R. Horton subdivision in north Fort Worth.

  16. #16
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    FL, TX

    Default Re: Face Nailed Shingles

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Adame View Post
    Nothing had been done even though the owner was told repairs had been made. The owner was livid. I told him to ask the builder about the manufacturer's warranty. I'll be interested to learn what other bs the owner will be shoveled.

    For Texas inspectors, this is a D.R. Horton subdivision in north Fort Worth.

    I would tell the owner to ignore the Contractor as he has proven to be incompetent and a liar. DO NOT TALK TO THE CONTRACTOR AT THIS POINT. DO NOT LET THE CONTRACTOR ON THE PROPERTY!!!


    Instead write and email the roofing material manufacturer and make a CLAIM AGAINST THE ROOF under warranty. THis is the easiest way to get an inspection done by the manufacturer and a determination as to the warranty. Tell your client to find a single drop of water on a nail tail when it is raining and to call the manufacturer about warranty and ask them to inspect (even pay for it) as the contractor has lied to them in the past and fialed to properly make repairs.

    That should resolve the questions easily. Never trust a contractor who was incompetent and then lied.

    If it was my roof, it would be torn off completely and installed to manufacturer specification. NO EXPOSED NAILS HEADS. I dont believe that any manufacturer has an allowed number of exposed nail heads at all.

    Last edited by Dirk Jeanis; 06-06-2014 at 08:06 AM.


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