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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Just one little hole

    It took about 6 years for this leak to show up at the closet ceiling. Owner didn't even know the water stain was there. All the other toe board nail holes at the roof had been sealed but looks like they forgot one.
    Remember, any little nail hole or exposed nail head will eventually leak. Just did a new construction home yesterday with a plethora of unsealed toe board holes. Our guys don't use the metal jacks for their boards. They just nail a 2 x 4 in with framing nails.

    ceiling.jpgAttic leak.jpgToe board hole.jpg

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Just one little hole

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Burnett View Post
    Just did a new construction home yesterday with a plethora of unsealed toe board holes. Our guys don't use the metal jacks for their boards. They just nail a 2 x 4 in with framing nails.
    You mean replacing the shingles they nailed through, not just 'sealing' a nail hole for a toe-board.

    Write all those shingles up as requiring replacement because they have been damaged during construction.

    Shouldn't take too long before they start using the metal jacks and eliminated their nail holes which require shingle replacement.

    Cause (not using the metal jacks) and effect (damaged shingles) followed by another cause (damaged shingles) and effect (damaged shingles which require replacement) ... leads to yet another cause (replacement of the damaged shingles) and effect (roofers start using the metal jacks) ... which leads to avoiding the initial cause.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Just one little hole

    Good find Gary.

    And good theory Jerry, but I have been calling this out on new construction for years and have not seen any changes. I keep trying but I have yet to see any roof jacks in use, EVER, on new construction here. Of course it is not the roofers, it is the painters that do the damage.

    I wish I could find the first guy who allowed this crap to get started!

    But hey, we finally got the city guys on board with sediment traps and we see them on about half of what I inspect now where up until 5 years ago a gas line sediment trap was a rare find.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Just one little hole

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Luttrall View Post
    Good find Gary.

    And good theory Jerry, but I have been calling this out on new construction for years and have not seen any changes. I keep trying but I have yet to see any roof jacks in use, EVER, on new construction here. Of course it is not the roofers, it is the painters that do the damage.

    I wish I could find the first guy who allowed this crap to get started!

    But hey, we finally got the city guys on board with sediment traps and we see them on about half of what I inspect now where up until 5 years ago a gas line sediment trap was a rare find.

    Remember when you guys started calling out sediment traps ... and kept calling them out ...

    Some things just take longer ...

    It is an excellent find, and keep calling those shingles out for replacement - and Remember The Sediment Trap (okay, that does not have the same ring to it as Remember The Alamo ... ).

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Marietta, GA

    Default Re: Just one little hole

    Great documentation of cause and effect! The second new house we ever bought had a number of those little nail holes on the roof. I had to fight just to get the builder to fill the damn things. They certainly weren't going to replace the shingles.

    On home number 3, we had a roof replacement done a few years ago. When I was getting bids, I specifically asked HOW the roofers would attach cleats or boards to work up the roof. The company I ended up hiring was only one of two companies who were able to share their documented procedure for using roof jacks and specifically avoiding putting nail holes into their new shingles. They also, of course, used all required safety harnesses, and they were the only company to recommend a membrane roof for a low pitch small section of our roof.

    We moved from that house last year, and in the four years after the roof repair, we never had a single leak. Others who got roofs in the neighborhood had touted how their roofers always came back to make repairs no questions asked. My response was that I didn't want them to HAVE to make repairs. I wanted it done right the first time.

    We're now in house number 4, and this roof was done a few years ago. Neighbor claims it was done right (he used the same roofer). We've not had any leaks that have shown up yet, and I've been in the attic scoping around as well. Hopefully it WAS done right


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