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Thread: valley shingle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Corinth, NY

    Default valley shingle

    This does not look right to me. Just wondered what comments this may generate. It did not appear to be leaking. It is a modular with an added on front porch.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: valley shingle

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Melville View Post
    This does not look right to me.
    Probably does not look right to you because it is not right ... not even close to being right.

    (added annotated photo with edit)

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    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 08-18-2015 at 02:07 PM.
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    New Jersey

    Default Re: valley shingle

    Very very bad weave. Actually, you can't even call that a weave. Surprised it's not leaking.

    Peak Inspection Services | Over 34 Years of Contractor Experience!
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Corinth, NY

    Default Re: valley shingle

    Not sure how to word it. Hack job doesn't quite sound too perfessional.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: valley shingle

    you should not weave that type shingle call it out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Corinth, NY

    Default Re: valley shingle

    I understand that you are only supposed to weave a 3 tab. Anyway, i had interaction with the listing agent who has has grown to loath me for finding these things. I gave him a jab for using the most popular inspector in the area, that realtors love for obvious reasons. I am sure this was the last straw with this firm, and I just lost another a few weeks ago with a brutal email because the deal fell through, as if it was somehow my fault because the foundation was falling apart the well had ecoli. I have found out from my contacts with the lawyer that I have been branded with the tittle of "deal killer". Jeez. There are very ethical realtors that still use me though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: valley shingle

    You're who I'd want if I were buying.
    That valley is nice and neatly done and is a disaster in the making.
    Maybe you should market to buyer's agents and direct to buyers.

  8. #8
    Frank Adame's Avatar
    Frank Adame Guest

    Default Re: valley shingle

    I take the most photos of roof tops than any other section of houses. They come in handy later.

    A broker, that always attends my walk-thrus, and has been recommending my services for six years called me recently to ask why I include certain "deficiency" comments in my reports. His request was very curious after 6 years of keeping quiet. I first directed him to TREC's Standards of Practice and then I explained that the day I leave out the smallest detail is the day I'll get sued.
    He said he didn't know the SOP existed. He's gone back to being quiet again and still refering me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: valley shingle

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Melville View Post
    I understand that you are only supposed to weave a 3 tab. Anyway, i had interaction with the listing agent who has has grown to loath me for finding these things. I gave him a jab for using the most popular inspector in the area, that realtors love for obvious reasons. I am sure this was the last straw with this firm, and I just lost another a few weeks ago with a brutal email because the deal fell through, as if it was somehow my fault because the foundation was falling apart the well had ecoli. I have found out from my contacts with the lawyer that I have been branded with the tittle of "deal killer". Jeez. There are very ethical realtors that still use me though.
    Think about it! If your recommended by a realtor your probably not doing a good job. If a realtor doesn't want to use you because your doing a good job, I'd take it as a complement. Remember who your working for.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: valley shingle

    He said he didn't know the SOP existed
    Duh! They walk amongst us.

    GAF - weaving architectual shingle

    Last edited by Raymond Wand; 08-29-2015 at 04:56 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Corinth, NY

    Default Re: valley shingle

    I am not getting hardly any work lately. I have been getting my customers to comment on Home Advisor, but it hasn't produced much. I am the top rated inspector on the site. Any one ever advertised with them?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    New Jersey

    Default Re: valley shingle

    I used them in 2001 for my construction business when I got slow (they were called Service Magic back then). Complete rip-off. They hijack your online presence by directing everything to their site so you have to pay them for the lead. I was supposed to get leads for additions and renovations but all I ever got was leads for things like fixing a sink or whatever and they still whacked me for $40 per lead.

    Read this article. It focuses on the contractor industry, but it's relevant to any trade or business:

    Home Advisor PRO Reviews: What you NEED to Know before signing up.

    They're still calling me at least once per month to get me to advertise with them for my inspection business. They tell me it's usually $15 PER lead. I'll never go back with them.

    Aside from all the referrals I get, I use Google AdWords. It's way more profitable at (on average) $4 per click. AdWords costs me (on average) about $1000 per month, but it still gets me $8-9000 per month.

    The nice thing about AdWords is that you can pause your ads anytime you want (from your control panel) when your busy and turn them back on when you need a boost during slow times.

    Can't hurt to check it out.

    Last edited by Steve Payson; 09-20-2015 at 07:59 AM.
    Peak Inspection Services | Over 34 Years of Contractor Experience!
    Residential Inspections | Commercial Inspections
    Office: 908-750-6789 |


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