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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default SPF roofing concerns

    We are purchasing a stucco home with a flat SPF roof covered in rock aggregate - based on the location of the home and the type of roofing installation it has we are not able to find local roofers who are specialized in that type of application.

    I have attached photos and comments that my gen inspector sent and would love to know if anyone has experience with these roofs and stucco application and can take a look at their findings and let us know if they see anything that would cause concern from a roofing or stucco perspective.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: SPF roofing concerns

    Just a comment for now on the stucco at that vertical wood, whether structural or trim, which goes down behind the stucco wall where the cracking is ... wood moves (due to moisture, heat/cold, etc) and stucco mover (expands and contracts) at a much different rate than the wood.

    Wood expands, pushing stucco wall away from the wood, wood then shrinks, leaving a crack, which now allows more moisture to get to the wood, causing the process to be worse the next cycle, and ... what is that moisture doing to the wall structure behind the stucco.

    Curious as to whether that wood piece is structural or trim.

    Regarding spray foam roof coverings ... I have never seen one installed as required by the manufacturer, but the only way to know how that roof was done would be to take core samples ... and a roofing contractor who is equipped to make proper spray foam patches and repairs should accompany the person taking the core samples. least the core samples lead to additional issues.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

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