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  1. #1
    william siegel's Avatar
    william siegel Guest

    Default PGT window installation instructions

    I am going to be going up against a contractor shortly on the installation of impact windows. I know the screws are installed wrong, but I am going to need written documentation. I ready have an email into PGT for a copy of their installation instructions, but do not know how long it will take to get. I was wondering if any one has these installation instructions that they could share, or has a specific code reference that I can use. Thanks in advance.

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  2. #2
    Darrel Hood's Avatar
    Darrel Hood Guest

    Default Re: PGT window installation instructions

    Most window manufacturers put installation instructions in their web sites. I don't know about PGT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: PGT window installation instructions


    PGT aluminum single hung impact rated NOA and install (with fastener type and specs)


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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: PGT window installation instructions


    Do you know the model of PGT window? If so, search for the Florida Product Approval here: Florida Building Code Online

    You can also search for the Miami-Dade NOA here: Miami-Dade County - Permitting, Environment & Regulatory Affairs - Product Control Search

    Here is a head's up which should be a great help to your side of the case: I find that PGT *does not* pre-drill the anchor holes where their engineering requires the anchors to be, and the installers only install the anchors in the pre-drilled holes.

    I am talking about anchors missing on one side or the top of a window because PGT did not pre-drill the anchor holes.

    I am also talking about PGT pre-drilling anchors holes in the wrong locations, such as the engineering shows the anchor at 6" from the corner of the flange and they pre-drill the anchor hole at 6" from the frame corner, which makes the anchor hole 6-1/2" from the corner of the flange.

    I have advised them of this on many occasions and their quality control is still *way off* from what the engineering specifies.

    Will that anchor at 6-1/2" from the flange corner work under design load when the engineering specifies 6" MAXIMUM?

    Hey, I am not the engineer, so I go by *their* engineering and *their* engineering says that 6-1/2" IS NOT ALLOWED (because it exceeds the *6" maximum* shown on the engineering).

    Maybe this will be the wake up call they need to get their quality control in shape and on the ball.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: PGT window installation instructions

    Here is another PGT:

    Scroll down to the top of the fifth page (Sheet 2 of 11), the left drawing is the flange type for masonry installs, the right is for fin type for frame installs.

    Notice the 6" maximum is shown from the flange corner to the first anchor, it is common to find that at 6" from the frame corner, or even further in. That same 6" maximum applies to all corners (there are no sill anchors on this model).

    Note the 10" at the meeting rail, these do not need to be 5" above and 5" below, but the maximum allowed distance between those anchors is 10".

    Also notice at the top where it says to see Sheet 9 for anchorage requirements, so you scroll down to Sheet 9 and you will find Table 1, which looks horrific to read, however, let's start by referring to the two drawings to the right. You will find a 1/1 window and a view window. The difference is this: if the top and bottom sashes are the same height the window is a 1/1 window (most you will see are likely 1/1 windows) - so now we go back to Table 1 and look under 1/1.

    Okay, back at Table 1, looking at the 1/1 column, if the window is 36" wide (a common width) the table says that 3 anchors are required in the head ... but the anchoring drawing on Sheet 2 only showed 2 anchors, 1 at 6" from each flange corner - that means a center anchor is required in the head jamb in addition to the 2 shown on Sheet 2. The factory and installers frequently miss this required anchor for windows 36" and wider.

    Now back to Table 1, column 1/1, down to 24" height, over to 36" width, under the 3 head anchors it shows 1|1, that means there is 1 anchor required above the meeting rail and 1 anchor required below the meeting rail, which, if the anchors meet the 10" spacing and one is not "at" the meeting rail, you have one anchor above an one anchor below the meeting rail. You may find, as I have, that one of those anchors is "at" the meeting rail, which means the anchor "above" or "below" is missing. No problem have an extra anchor "at" the meeting rail.

    Okay, now in column 1/1, down to 60" height, over to 36" width, and you will see that the same 3 anchors in the head jamb are required, but that 2 anchors are required above and below the meeting rail. You should have one of the 10" spaced anchors above the meeting rail and one below the meeting rail, and one top corner anchor and one bottom corner anchor - that means the window has the required 2 anchors above and below the meeting rail.

    Note that the head jamb anchor requirements change with width, and that the side jamb anchor requirements change with height.

    Table 1 is not as complicated as it first appeared, is it?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6

    Default Re: PGT window installation instructions

    None of these say anything about flashing. Is that anywhere in the PGT instructions, or do they expect to rely on caulking?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: PGT window installation instructions

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Forbes View Post
    None of these say anything about flashing. Is that anywhere in the PGT instructions, or do they expect to rely on caulking?
    From the IRC - look:

    R703.4 Flashing

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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