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  1. #1
    Mauritz Nordstrom's Avatar
    Mauritz Nordstrom Guest

    Default EIFS? One-Coat Stucco? Pics

    Hi guys, help me out with this one, please.

    I've got one party telling me the siding is EIFS. I've got the builder telling me, "No, it's one coat stucco." All I really know is that the siding has some stucco on top of some chickenwire lath. All of that is on top of some foam board external insulation that's applied to a weather barrier and then the sheathing. There's a weep screed at the bottom of the siding.

    To me the wall has external insulation (foam board) and that together with all the other parts it's a system. It seems it fits fine with the EIFS letters, but perhaps it's a hybrid of some sort . . . a little of one and a little of another.

    That's really not the main question. It has to do with the way it was installed. I've included two pictures that were taken looking upward at the bottom of the wall. You'll see the foundation to the side and then the bottom of the siding.

    You'll also see the sill plate that's not entirely on top of the foundation. That's what I've found around the entire house. Some is hanging off the foundation more than others around the perimeter.

    In all cases the shear panel is not inside the weep screed. I mention that because one party provided me with the siding maunfacturer installation instructions. I've included two diagrams from those instructions.

    One diagram shows that the shear panel is supposed to be inside of the weep screed. The other shows that the siding is supposed to abut the side of the foundation. Neither has happened here.

    So, what do you guys think about this. I've got the builder telling me it's just cosmetic and don't worry about it. I got the other party concerned that there's a problem.

    Do you see this as just cosmetic? Do you see the failure to follow the instructions as a problem? Finally, what about the sill plate being partially off the side of the foundation (btw, it's a slab)?

    Thanks for any advice!!!

    BTW, the 2003 IRC applies to this house. The only think that I can find are sections that say for EIFS, the manufacturer instructions "shall" be followed. Another section says that stucco has to be 3-coat stucco if it's not applied over masonry, etc. In either case, the siding doesn't appear to meet code unless you have any other ideas.

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    Last edited by Mauritz Nordstrom; 07-28-2008 at 07:29 PM. Reason: added IBC info
    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: EIFS? One-Coat Stucco? Pics

    "Insulating Exterior Stucco Systems"

    "Diamond Wall Insulating System"

    Diamond Wall One Coat Stucco Systems

    From your drawing: "Insulation Board"

    If it ... looks like a duck, walks like a duct, quacks like a duck ...

    They can call it a "swan", but ... it's a "duck".

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: EIFS? One-Coat Stucco? Pics

    Hey Mauritz what i see is the open bottom part of the wall is exposed to moisture and weather condition. it looks like you have a blackening condition starting indicating that moisture is a condition the next thing will be a fungus infection then fungus damage within 5 years. due to this exposure and moisture. If you have cracks around the windows, doors i would call for further inspection if the complete stucco system.

    My thing is always moisture. and this looks like a mess.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Phoenix, AZ

    Cool Re: EIFS? One-Coat Stucco? Pics

    This looks like a onecoat, or thin-coat stucco system over framing and shear panels(OSB or plywood). There are several flaws apparent from your pictures, both in installation and materials used.

    1) The sill screed used doesn't show any weep holes(at least, your pic doesn't show any). There is a type of foundation sill screed that will reach back to the face of the foundation, but due to the extreme overhang of the sill plate, it wouldn't cover this condition, which leads to...

    2) The overhanging sill plate is a real concern here, not only for the raw wood exposure, but any anchoring system for the wall is most likely seriously compromised by what little of the plate is actually on the stem or slab. If this occurs around the entire house, there is a serious problem there. Fixing that alone is going to run into the several thousands of dollars. It's no wonder the builder is trying to minimize your concerns, he wants out from under that responsibility as quickly and cheaply as possible.

    3) By most codes, the sill screed should be installed a minimum of 1" below the foundation/sill plate connection point. Even if it's a flat slab, the weep should still be 1" below the top of the slab. This is to give some assurance that water running down the wall is allowed to drip off the edge of the screed and not run back along the weep into the house at the plate connection. From your pics, the weep. or casing, appears to be flush with the sheathing and sill plate, Not a good thing.

    The system appears to be installed correctly as you have described it, but the exposed sill plate and foundation work, the weep screed location, and lack of weep holes are a problem that should be remedied by the builder.

    This should not be considered an EIFS type of system, they have their own problems that may or may not be applicable here.

    I'm a dyslexic agnostic-Don't believe there is a dog...


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