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Thread: mechanical vent

  1. #1
    william siegel's Avatar
    william siegel Guest

    Default mechanical vent

    I have never seen a vent termintated behind a wall before. This cannot be correct??

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: mechanical vent

    That looks like an AAV and not a mechanical vent.
    But to answer your question, I don't know of any reason is not allowed if it is accessible.
    Which that does not look to be (accessible). The toilet is in the way.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: mechanical vent

    For you guys that are not 100% sure if an AAV is approved by your state. Here is a list provided by Studor. STUDOR (R) inVENTive Technology (TM) - Air Admittance Valves

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: mechanical vent


    It is, unfortunately, allowed like that, with a return grille cover usually screwed in place over it.

    It is required to be in a freely vented area and that is not a freely vented area, only partially vented.

    I asked Stu at Studor vent about that many years ago when the Studor Vent first came over here with regard to being freely vented and being in a closed cabinet under a kitchen sink or vanity cabinet. He agreed that it needed some checking into, ran some tests, and then an exception was added allowing for their installation in bathroom and kitchen cabinets.

    They also make a recessed box for an installation similar to your photo which was a tested, listed, and labeled unit.

    From the Studor Vent installation instructions: ( )
    - Installation Requirements:
    - - 3. Studor AAVs shall be located in a space that permits air to enter the valve. When located in a wall space the AAV shall be installed in the Studor Recess Box with a louvered grill. Location of the Studor AAV in a vanity cabinet or sink cabinet is acceptable.

    However, yours looks like an Oatey AAV: ( )
    - Sure-Vent® AAVs must be accessible for inspection, service, repair, or replacement.
    - Sure-Vent® AAVs shall be installed in locations that permit free movement of air into valve intake openings.

    Whenever there is doubt about "must be accessible for ... " I always try to unscrew it and remove it, if there is not room to do so, then it does not meet that requirement.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    william siegel's Avatar
    william siegel Guest

    Default Re: mechanical vent




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