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  1. #196
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Ray, may I ask a question? Are you a member of CanNACHI?

    Inspection Referral
    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  2. #197
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Nope not a member of CanNachi.

    Here is another question; does NACHI have an online course in vocabulary? Given the frequency of foul language it might be a good idea. I am also wondering if they use their limited command of the language in their report verbiage?

  3. #198
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mesa AZ

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    [QUOTE=Lisa Endza;110968]

    I disagree. InterNACHI's new message board, launched in 2007, already has 21,912 registered users and 570,024 posts.

    After revewing posts on this board and the nachio board I don't see how you could even begin to compare your BB to this one.

    In the last 24 hrs this board had 20 topics
    1- exposing a scam HI org.
    1 -General
    18 -with free information that an inspector can use in his daily business.

    Nachi board total 47 topics
    9- bragging crap
    5- members begging for freebies
    17- BS/crap including talk about someones private parts
    16- included information that an inspector can use in his daily business. And 4 of the 16 are childish, or poor me bs

    Last edited by Dan Harris; 12-02-2009 at 08:44 PM.
    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  4. #199
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    It is not owned. It is a non-profit, federally tax-exempt corporation. IRS grants
    InterNACHI tax exempt status. - InterNACHI
    Great then anyone interested could access their form 990 by a free Registration

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  5. #200
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Here is another question; does NACHI have an online course in vocabulary?
    No, InterNACHI's long list of free, approved, accredited education and training offerings does not include a course in vocabulary.

    Are there any other questions I may answer for you?

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  6. #201
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    When will Joe Farsetta offer an apology to my good buddy whom Joe called in a fit of rage and contrary to every established rule that Joe oversees, and apologize for acting like a buffoon and conduct unbecoming as ESOP chair?

    Also what does Joe have on Nick that Nick would let Joe Farsetta and the boys on the ESOP run rampant. I realize you do not involve yourself with Joe and thats a good thing given his sexist views, but perhaps you could offer up your own view as to my question.

  7. #202
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?


    Hold your reply til tomorrow. I have to go to bed now. Mom says its bedtime and I have to get my beauty sleep!

  8. #203
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post
    Hi Bob.

    Speaking of ethics I guess you wrote the book. Promoting falsities on Active Rain is real nice. Kinda in keeping with the lack of ethics Nachi is known for!

    Condo Bob 's Blog

    Like the fact you tried to tell Mario Kyriacou to keep from embarrassing himself and Joe Farsetta and the rest of the ESOP committee. The question remains why an ESOP member would be allowed to repeatedly break the rules he is tasked with upholding and why Joe Farsetta Chair of the NACHI ESOP condones these outbursts from one of his committee members on a public site?

    Thanks Bob.
    Hey Einstein

    Whats the date on that Blog?

  9. #204
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    I can't answer your first question for two reasons. The first being that I don't know the answer. The second being that I'm prohibited from commenting about ESOP decisions.

    As to your second question.
    Also what does Joe have on Nick that Nick would let Joe Farsetta and the boys on the ESOP run rampant. I realize you do not involve yourself with Joe and thats a good thing given his sexist views, but perhaps you could offer up your own view as to my question.
    What I know may not be completely accurate. Years ago Nick made us do a study to determine why trade associations fail. I'm not sure if Nick wanted the real study results or if he just wanted staff to research the topic and think about the issues because he never asked me for a copy of the report. Around the same time, just before he gave up control of the board, he and our attorney Mark Cohen took steps they said removed what they believed would cause InterNACHI to fail. Nick always says associations don't blow up, they freeze to death by standing still because everyone is afraid to do anything. One of those steps was to give ESOP full independence. Even the board can't overrule ESOP. And Joe Farsetta can't be fired. Like you said, they are free to "run rampant" without fear. InterNACHI grows fast because staff can make decisions that stand in a fear-free environment. Nick recently signed me to a new 5 year contract long before my existing contract expired. Lisa Vega has a masters in architecture. She created our free inspection graphics library. She also got a full position and health insurance with dental and eye. In this tough economy, my contract makes me feel safe, safe to make fast decisions and implement them.

    As for Joe, I don't find Joe to be uniquely sexist. I find all men to be sexist.

    Are there any other questions I may try to answer for you?

    Last edited by Lisa Endza; 12-02-2009 at 09:47 PM.
    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  10. #205
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    so so, California

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunnar Alquist View Post

    My local CREIA chapter is great. Take a look at the local chapters of any organization that you are considering before you join. That is where you will get the most information and help. If there is no local chapter or if the chapter meetings are bad, then the organization will be of no real benefit.
    I PM'd you...

  11. #206
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Another example of why I do not come to Inspector News often is found in this Blog.

    Real Estate Blog - Is your lighting costing you money?

    Mr Wand is off the deep end again.

  12. #207
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Good morning Lisa

    Thanks for the reply. As for Nick staying out of things, that is just not true. I know and have documentation that show Nick has direct influence with the ESOP. But then again I am sure to protect you Nick tells you only what he wants you to know.

    Congratulations on your contract renewal! That is a nice security blanket.

    I like your little sexist dig, just remember all men are not pigs, but some look and act like pigs, Joe is prime example! Oink, oink.

    Hi Bob, thanks for letting me post on your blog, just thought the public should know about the threats and conduct unbecoming of one of the ESOP members, but they have a good leader as an example of how not to be a leader! NACHI will continue to suffer as long as the ESOP remains and with no bylaws, policies, or voting rights members will continue to be subjected to subjective justice. I even hear Joe Farsetta is building a gallows in the basement of the NACHI tV studios, the plan being to start hanging so-called troublesome members. Frank Carrio has already pleaded to be the hangman, Joe and Frank are fighting for the right

  13. #208
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post
    Good morning Lisa

    Thanks for the reply. As for Nick staying out of things, that is just not true. I know and have documentation that show Nick has direct influence with the ESOP. But then again I am sure to protect you Nick tells you only what he wants you to know.

    Congratulations on your contract renewal! That is a nice security blanket.

    I like your little sexist dig, just remember all men are not pigs, but some look and act like pigs, Joe is prime example! Oink, oink.

    Hi Bob, thanks for letting me post on your blog, just thought the public should know about the threats and conduct unbecoming of one of the ESOP members, but they have a good leader as an example of how not to be a leader! NACHI will continue to suffer as long as the ESOP remains and with no bylaws, policies, or voting rights members will continue to be subjected to subjective justice. I even hear Joe Farsetta is building a gallows in the basement of the NACHI tV studios, the plan being to start hanging so-called troublesome members. Frank Carrio has already pleaded to be the hangman, Joe and Frank are fighting for the right
    Ray ....Ray ... Ray ....

    Whats up Raymond. Seriously my fellow inspector ... whats up ... why do you freaking care about any of this. If you don't like NACHI or anything that goes on there why are you so involved about every facet of what is going on with every soul in NACHI.

    Why do you both\er yourself getting so deep on every single item of NACHI. What do you care and why should you care and why do you want to care about what is going on in an organization that you want absolutely nothing to do with and you do not want to be involved with and don't want to discuss about and what an ESOP member had for breakfast or the last time he or she farted.

    I don't care in the slightest but if I were you (unless you seriously love being involved in endless crap) I would just not talk about it anymore or read about it anymore or looks things up about it any more. You think or should I say believe (it may or may not be all true) that everyone there is a scumbag, slime ball, liar, pervert, deviate etc etc etc, cheater ... you name it .. Why in the hell do you concern yourself with it at all. Why do you care. Why have you carried this fight/argument/disagreement/bashing/name calling etc etc etc etc into the third section of this thread with so many replies and so much involvement for something you want absolutely nothing to do with.

    Seriously Raymond. You sound like a fairly intelligent guy......Get away from all that crap. Whether it is crap or not you seem to think so. Wash your hands of it. Throw it away. Sweep it under the rug. Put it to bed. Move on with life and let the slime ball, scum bag, lying deviate perverts rest in piece and get involved with another association if that is something you would even want to do.

    My honest opinion is that you should not get involved with another association because your level of involvement and the detail to every living soul in that association would be so great that it would soon turn into the same thing. Life is to short Raymond. I have no idea how old you are but if you are not up in years then listen to an older fart............ Life is to short. Join an association for reasons that benefit you. Let someone else put up with all the bull over time. Go to your meetings. Interact lightly with fellow home inspectors and then go home and give your wife a big kiss and thank yourself for listening to me in getting uninvolved. Life is sweet and way to short. Enjoy it.

  14. #209
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    I know and have documentation that show Nick has direct influence with the ESOP.
    Nick founded the association and heads up Operations, so naturally he has a lot of influence over everything.

    As for "InterNACHI continuing to suffer," I don't see it. 2009 was a bad year for the inspection industry but InterNACHI grew leaps and bounds. We were awarded 300 new government approvals and educational accreditations in 2009. Our site grew by about 30,000 pages and an additional 40 million hits/year. We broke all-time records in traffic, reach, pageviews and time on site and purchased almost 200 more domains including We added more free business success tools than any other year and our free membership benefits page nearly doubled in size. We filled 5 new staff positions. We published a dozen new inspection books. We completed many major projects such as our free inspection graphics library and our free inspection articles library. www.NACHI.TV received state approval for its advanced online video inspection courses. We are generating more than an inspection lead a minute for our members from just two of our sites. Our International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties is now used all over the world. In your Province of Ontario Ray, we now have over 500 members, including your friend Roy. We opened new chapters in Dubai, Beijing, Malaysia, South Africa, and Brazil in 2009. InterNACHI now has operations in 56 countries. I just don't see the "suffering" you speak of.

    Last edited by Lisa Endza; 12-03-2009 at 01:10 PM.
    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  15. #210
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Nick founded the association and heads up Operations, so naturally he has a lot of influence over everything.
    Now thats what I was looking for! Just remember though the ESOP and its antics under Joe Farsettas guidance and his lap dogs will be the undoing of NACHI.

    Ted, thanks for your concerns, but there is no substitute for victory given the circumstances.

  16. #211
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Ray ....Ray ... Ray ....

    Whats up Raymond. Seriously my fellow inspector ... whats up ... why do you freaking care about any of this. If you don't like NACHI or anything that goes on there why are you so involved about every facet of what is going on with every soul in NACHI.

    Why do you both\er yourself getting so deep on every single item of NACHI. What do you care and why should you care and why do you want to care about what is going on in an organization that you want absolutely nothing to do with and you do not want to be involved with and don't want to discuss about and what an ESOP member had for breakfast or the last time he or she farted.

    I don't care in the slightest but if I were you (unless you seriously love being involved in endless crap) I would just not talk about it anymore or read about it anymore or looks things up about it any more. You think or should I say believe (it may or may not be all true) that everyone there is a scumbag, slime ball, liar, pervert, deviate etc etc etc, cheater ... you name it .. Why in the hell do you concern yourself with it at all. Why do you care. Why have you carried this fight/argument/disagreement/bashing/name calling etc etc etc etc into the third section of this thread with so many replies and so much involvement for something you want absolutely nothing to do with.

    Seriously Raymond. You sound like a fairly intelligent guy......Get away from all that crap. Whether it is crap or not you seem to think so. Wash your hands of it. Throw it away. Sweep it under the rug. Put it to bed. Move on with life and let the slime ball, scum bag, lying deviate perverts rest in piece and get involved with another association if that is something you would even want to do.

    My honest opinion is that you should not get involved with another association because your level of involvement and the detail to every living soul in that association would be so great that it would soon turn into the same thing. Life is to short Raymond. I have no idea how old you are but if you are not up in years then listen to an older fart............ Life is to short. Join an association for reasons that benefit you. Let someone else put up with all the bull over time. Go to your meetings. Interact lightly with fellow home inspectors and then go home and give your wife a big kiss and thank yourself for listening to me in getting uninvolved. Life is sweet and way to short. Enjoy it.
    I'll second that Ted. Thank you.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  17. #212
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Lisa you seem a little to eager to post all those links back to Nachi!

  18. #213
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    It seems I have to provide proof of every statement I make here. Did you ever finish counting our 500+ members in Ontario Ray?

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  19. #214
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Yes you have to provide some proof because frankly you have a habit of skirting the questions with more rhetoric.

    Where is NACHI head office in Ontario Lisa? As required under the Ontario Corp. Act a membership list must open to the public, this is a legal requirement. As I pointed out before your attempt at painting larger numbers are grossly inflated.

    If you cannot muster a proper accounting of members I understand because your role is to take orders, not to question what you are told to state.


  20. #215
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    InterNACHI is a Colorado corporation and so our headquarters are in Colorado.
    a membership list must open to the public, this is a legal requirement
    InterNACHI's membership list is open to the public. Featured Inspectors - Int'l Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) You can view it from anywhere in Canada.

    You can also view our membership by City, State/Province or postal code from Find an Inspector with

    You can also view our membership by entire State/Province from the very bottom of International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI).

    Unlike other associations, InterNACHI doesn't use ambiguous regional search functions to hide our actual membership numbers. We open up our membership list to the public for all to see and count if they so wish.

    Are there any other questions I may answer for you?

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  21. #216
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    InterNACHI is a Colorado corporation and so our headquarters are in Colorado.
    InterNACHI's membership list is open to the public. Featured Inspectors - Int'l Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) You can view it from anywhere in Canada.

    That doesn't tell me anything.

    You can also view our membership by City, State/Province or postal code from Find an Inspector with

    Still doesn't confirm the numbers you are quoting

    You can also view our membership by entire State/Province from the very bottom of International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI).

    More diversionary answers. Guess you really have no clue, therefore if you have no clue you have no business stating as fact numbers that cannot be confirmed by a actual membership list.

    Unlike other associations, InterNACHI doesn't use ambiguous regional search functions to hide our actual membership numbers. We open up our membership list to the public for all to see and count if they so wish.

    Now thats a contradiction "ambiguous" given that the search functions don't indicate true numbers. I suspect your search function is purposely "ambiguous".

    Are there any other questions I may answer for you?
    Yes many more questions of which you cannot or will not provide accurate answers. As Communications Director I give you a failing grade.

    Thank you for your assistance in demonstrating that Nachi is all smoke and mirrors staffed by yes people who cannot think much beyond their nose.

  22. #217
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Ray, if you explain for me what format you would like to see our membership list, I'll have IT create it for you from our membership database. I'll then post it here for all to view.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  23. #218
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Exclamation Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    I'm getting way to many complaints about the personal attacks going on.

    EVERYONE, especially those posting in this thread, please read the forum rules and know know that your account may be suspended or terminated. Please pay special attention to this section

    "The goal of Hann Tech Marketing Links / InspectionNews is to have peaceful, educational and informative discussions related to the inspection business. Please discuss the topics and do not get into personality conflicts and/or arguments.

    You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Message Board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by Hann Tech Marketing Links / InspectionNews."

    View The List Of InspectionNews Member Benefits!

    Brian Hannigan /
    Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM

    Twitter: @InspectionNews

  24. #219
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Thank you Brian.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  25. #220
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Thanks Brian.

  26. #221
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Nice InterNACHI banner Brian. Thanks!

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  27. #222
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Succasunna NJ

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    The banner really is great looking; but I do have a question.

    Several years ago Mr. Nick stated something to the effect that this board was a joke and he would see that it would go away just like NAHI; how's that working out for him?

    Inquiring minds want to know...

    'Whizzing & pasting & pooting through the day (Ronnie helping Kenny helping burn his poots away!) (FZ)

  28. #223
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Miller View Post
    The banner really is great looking; but I do have a question.

    Several years ago Mr. Nick stated something to the effect that this board was a joke and he would see that it would go away just like NAHI; how's that working out for him?

    Inquiring minds want to know...
    Well, I would say that it is all about marketing.

    Paying Brian to advertise on this board is about the only way that they can advertise to the inspection community and actually to the general public. This site has more non-inspectors and folks looking to become an inspector than any other site on the Internet.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  29. #224
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mesa AZ

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Well, I would say that it is all about marketing.
    If I can add, the largest open to the public un-biased professional site , that provides the most free information for home owners, and folks looking to enter the profession.
    AND the largest professional Homer Inspector site that's open to the public [with out in your face marketing , spam, and open to the public slander/bashing of others in the profession by the site owner,] .
    IN is the only site with great professional , established advertizers with proven/product tools to help our business.
    IN is a professional marketing tool when our customers search our business's and names..

    I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why there aren't more advertizers looking to gain long term customers from the members on this site.

    Last edited by Dan Harris; 12-09-2009 at 04:10 PM.
    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  30. #225
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why there aren't more advertizers looking to
    Jeez, I'm scratching my head and wondering why too. It's almost as if most of the vendors in the inspection industry are .... Lol!

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  31. #226
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mesa AZ

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Jeez, I'm scratching my head and wondering why too. It's almost as if most of the vendors in the inspection industry are .... Lol!
    Now that nick, [the one that is claimed to be a smart marketing person, ]figured out this is THE place to market his products, the professional venders that want to stay in business, will follow his actions.

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  32. #227

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    1st pick the association that has a chapter near you, go to a chapter meeting or two of a few organizations to see where you are more comfortable.

    I have shared the educational chair for our local chapter Northern Illinois Chapter American Society of Home Inspectors NICASHI. All of our meetings are educationally based with guest speakers, plus we have associates corner for an hour before the regular meeting this is wear a seasoned inspector will talk on one aspect of an inspection for the new inspectors to learn.

    We have ride along inspections, where a new guy can shadow an inspector doing an inspection. We also have parallel inspections where the new guy does the inspection as a ride along but also writes his own report and summits it to inspector for review.

    I checked out all three Nahi was to far for me to travel, Inachi was a bunch of new guys did not get the feel of any value in joining, last I checked out ASHI much tougher to become a full member but the level of its members made it worth joining.

  33. #228

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    1st pick the association that has a chapter near you, go to a chapter meeting or two of a few organizations to see where you are more comfortable.

    I have shared the educational chair for our local chapter Northern Illinois Chapter American Society of Home Inspectors NICASHI. All of our meetings are educationally based with guest speakers, plus we have associates corner for an hour before the regular meeting this is wear a seasoned inspector will talk on one aspect of an inspection for the new inspectors to learn.

    We have ride along inspections, where a new guy can shadow an inspector doing an inspection. We also have parallel inspections where the new guy does the inspection as a ride along but also writes his own report and summits it to inspector for review.

    I checked out all three Nahi was to far for me to travel, Inachi was a bunch of new guys did not get the feel of any value in joining, last I checked out ASHI much tougher to become a full member but the level of its members made it worth joining.

  34. #229
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Steve, you mention education in Illinois. All of InterNACHI's comprehensive, free, online courses are approved by the State of Illinois.

    I'm sure Steve's Northern IL group is a fine bunch of guys. Like he said, if there is a local group of inspectors meeting in your area, you should join. However, there is no way you can be serious about the inspection business outside of InterNACHI, IMO. And it is a business. InterNACHI provides way too many free inspection business success tools to just pooh pooh. Unless you are rich and doing inspections for fun, being a non-member is fiscally irresponsible.

    Nick disagrees with me, and almost everyone else at InterNACHI, on the issue of dual membership, but I believe that inspectors should belong to as many associations as they think will help them feed their families. There is something to be said for beer and camaraderie, but InterNACHI helps pay your bills.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  35. #230
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Reilly View Post
    1st pick the association that has a chapter near you, go to a chapter meeting or two of a few organizations to see where you are more comfortable.

    I have shared the educational chair for our local chapter Northern Illinois Chapter American Society of Home Inspectors NICASHI. All of our meetings are educationally based with guest speakers, plus we have associates corner for an hour before the regular meeting this is wear a seasoned inspector will talk on one aspect of an inspection for the new inspectors to learn.

    We have ride along inspections, where a new guy can shadow an inspector doing an inspection. We also have parallel inspections where the new guy does the inspection as a ride along but also writes his own report and summits it to inspector for review.

    I checked out all three Nahi was to far for me to travel, Inachi was a bunch of new guys did not get the feel of any value in joining, last I checked out ASHI much tougher to become a full member but the level of its members made it worth joining.
    Steve are you sure you went to a Nachi Chicago meeting.?
    We are known as one of the best all around Inspection chapters there is, with many members that have plenty experience. including quite a few Ashi guys(don't tell anyone) (some are past higher ups) that stop in often to partake of all the great live education opportunities that exist here.

    Myself and others would be happy to take you on a ride along if you wish.

    No Charge as we help each other out.

    What night did you drop by,or did you go to a different chapter?

  36. #231
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Nick disagrees with me, and almost everyone else at InterNACHI, on the issue of dual membership, but I believe that inspectors should belong to as many associations as they think will help them feed their families. There is something to be said for beer and camaraderie, but InterNACHI helps pay your bills.
    Lisa, is it true that Nick is planning to not allow dual memberships in ASHI and INACHI after March 2010 (or some date in 2010)? Something like he is going to not renew those that have them and will not allow a person to join if they belong to ASHI?

    I heard this at our Chapter meeting the other day and I had a hard time believing that Nick would do that. We have several in our chapter that belong to two or three associations.

    Last edited by Scott Patterson; 12-15-2009 at 09:24 AM.
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  37. #232
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Elliott View Post
    Steve are you sure you went to a Nachi Chicago meeting.?
    We are known as one of the best all around Inspection chapters there is, with many members that have plenty experience. including quite a few Ashi guys(don't tell anyone) (some are past higher ups) that stop in often to partake of all the great live education opportunities that exist here.

    Myself and others would be happy to take you on a ride along if you wish.

    No Charge as we help each other out.

    What night did you drop by,or did you go to a different chapter?
    Bob, nothing wrong with folks from other associations dropping by and participating in your education programs. Glad to see that all of your members do free ride-along's. I'm with you, I have never seen anyone in my chapter charge a fee for helping a fellow inspector even when they were not a member of our chapter. Sounds like you have a good chapter that you are proud of.

    Now if we could only get Nick to stop the bantering and sand kicking we would all be better off.

    Last edited by Scott Patterson; 12-15-2009 at 09:23 AM.
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  38. #233
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Bob, nothing wrong with folks from other associations dropping by and participating in your education programs. Glad to see that all of your members do free ride-along's. I'm with you, I have never seen anyone in my chapter charge a fee for helping a fellow inspector even when they were not a member of our chapter. Sounds like you have a good chapter that you are proud of.

    Now if we could only get Nick to stop the bantering and sand kicking we would all be better off.
    I think a lot of it is reaction to the Branding turmoil that is still on going.

    You know as well as I do that unless you are joining" Knights of umma gumma" it really does not matter which of the major associations you hook up with or for that matter do you even need to join in a Licensed State.

    If feel bad for guys that are forced to join and pay dues to ASHI in places like MO where they cant work unless they join ASHI.

    Remember I live and have been a member of Chicago Unions ,and have seen what it did to my town in the long run.

    Competition is good in the long run ,as it forces improvement ,but the other side has been aggressive in marketing to Agents, and has put down a heavy hand against NACHI in many ways.

    Joe Ferry the famed Educator for "Law and Disorder" was banned recently from giving courses to ASHI members due to his association with NACHI.

    I have missed his classes when in town, but hear it is a great seminar for protecting your business.

    So you see the silliness goes both ways.

    He was approved last year by the way.

    What can I say?

  39. #234
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Elliott View Post
    I think a lot of it is reaction to the Branding turmoil that is still on going.
    Wow! The branding debacle happened over five years ago and only lasted for 18 months before it was stopped because the membership would not financially support it any longer.

    I never knew that it effected folks outside of ASHI.

    Ya, the issue with Joe Ferry was unfortunate but he was Nicks attorney on some of the lawsuits over trademarks and the like so a few folks at ASHI HQ had some issues with him. As you said it is over and he has been approved. Joe even has a booth at the upcoming InspectionWorld Las Vegas | January 17-20, 2010

    Last edited by Scott Patterson; 12-15-2009 at 02:25 PM.
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  40. #235
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Wow! The branding debacle happened over five years ago and only lasted for 18 months before it was stopped because the membership would not financially support it any longer.

    I never knew that it effected folks outside of ASHI.
    It does though as I know lots of members that are forced to join ASHI or get no referrals.
    ASHI did a good job with that.

    I remember the turmoil it caused within (wow, that long ago)

    Apparently it worked well,I mean you see Agent posts on AR and how they often talk about hiring only ASHI in all the Boondocks areas.

    Since these areas are smaller the Agents go more by what they read ,as there is less competition or no licensing as of yet in those States,and my hats off to an excellent market strategy.

    Remember I do not speak for Nick but am only guessing that could be part of it in my own mind.

    Our resources went to education , videos, graphic artists,web related content,etc.

    This explains lots of disparity in that NACHI is more of an educational outfit while ASHI is more well known in RE Agent land.

    Remember these are my own thoughts.

    I have no way of knowing if the plan to ban double associations is a bad one or not but do not like it as I may join ASHI at some point as a duel member.

    Not to drop NACHI ,but to add to my experience for a lousy (what is it) $300.

    Realistically no one here should talk trash unless having experienced both.

  41. #236
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    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Banning dual memberships?

    I would like to see that fly. It would most certainly be a discriminatory practice and as such barred by Federal/State/Provincial law, and could be considered to be monopolistic.

  42. #237
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Scott Patterson posts
    Lisa, is it true that Nick is planning to not allow dual memberships in ASHI and INACHI after March 2010 (or some date in 2010)? Something like he is going to not renew those that have them and will not allow a person to join if they belong to ASHI?

    I heard this at our Chapter meeting the other day and I had a hard time believing that Nick would do that. We have several in our chapter that belong to two or three associations.
    I don't believe he'll be able to do it. What you probably heard is that he hired another high-priced law firm that specializes in stuff like this. He asked them to figure out a legal way to kick out all the ASHI members. They researched it and told us that InterNACHI couldn't do it, unless, InterNACHI adopted a strict morals clause that listed many prohibited acts. If InterNACHI does that, then we could slip in something about members being prohibited from financially supporting any other inspection association that has no entrance requirements on the basis that it harms the general public.

    Even then, Nick would have to sell the idea and I can say with some certainty that it will never fly. Nick has lost most of his real power at InterNACHI. He didn't really lose it, he gave it up. He holds a board seat but that only gives him a minority vote and they only meet once a year. He turned operations over to me and gave me an iron-clad employment contract so that it is all but impossible for me to lose my job. After building NACHI.TV, he donated his entire financial interest in it and now InterNACHI gets the profits ongoing into the future. It makes serious money too. ESOP continues to run independently and yesterday ESOP kicked out two of Nick's friends from Ontario over an ethics violation. Nick hasn't visited InterNACHI's IT Department in Philladelphia in over 3 years. Nick is a strong personality at InterNACHI to say the least, with lots of friends in the inspection industry, but InterNACHI has grown so big that Nick couldn't run it if he wanted to, and he clearly doesn't want to. Don't sweat him. He's just being Nick.

    Last edited by Lisa Endza; 12-16-2009 at 06:56 PM.
    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  43. #238
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Kicked out? You mean there was a discipline hearing and the respondents Helen and Bob Brown of ACISS were suspended? When is the execution?

    Nick does and says a lot of wacky things for the hits. Did he really think he could legally kick ASHI members out? I could have saved Nick some money on legal advice all he had to do was ask me!

    Merry Christmas Lisa, all the best to you and yours and the Nachi family.

    Hi Nick, Merry Christmas to you too! Thanks for looking after that little problem for me, it was much appreciated.

  44. #239
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    What you probably heard is that he hired another high-priced law firm that specializes in stuff like this. He asked them to figure out a legal way to kick out all the ASHI members. They researched it and told us that InterNACHI couldn't do it, unless, InterNACHI adopted a strict morals clause that listed many prohibited acts.
    LOL .. LOL... LOL
    Nachi adopt a strict morals clause
    All those high priced layers had to do is look at the morals, and ethics of the the orgs owner, and of many nachoites , they would soon see, if that clause was adopted there woudn't be any more nachi
    Thanks for the laugh, Merry Christmas.

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  45. #240
    Fisherman Bob's Avatar
    Fisherman Bob Guest

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Lisa Endza wrote in part...
    Steve, you mention education in Illinois. All of InterNACHI's comprehensive, free, online courses are approved by the State of Illinois.

    Hi Lisa,

    How does that work, since IL requires proctored testing for CE credit? Thanks!

  46. #241
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherman Bob View Post
    Lisa Endza wrote in part...
    Steve, you mention education in Illinois. All of InterNACHI's comprehensive, free, online courses are approved by the State of Illinois.

    Hi Lisa,

    How does that work, since IL requires proctored testing for CE credit? Thanks!
    That's right
    And it is.
    Any other questions?

    Let me ask you one.
    How much do you pay for your CE'S ?

  47. #242
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Lisa Endza wrote in part...
    Steve, you mention education in Illinois. All of InterNACHI's comprehensive, free, online courses are approved by the State of Illinois.

    Hi Lisa,

    How does that work, since IL requires proctored testing for CE credit? Thanks!
    Our tests are proctored in Illinois.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  48. #243
    Fisherman Bob's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Our tests are proctored in Illinois.
    Thanks, Lisa. Was just are on-line tests proctored? (Pardon my ignornace, but I'm pretty lame when it comes to these matters.) Again, thanks for any insight.

  49. #244
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    The InterNACHI member takes the approved InterNACHI course online while the proctor watches.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  50. #245
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherman Bob View Post
    Thanks, Lisa. Was just are on-line tests proctored? (Pardon my ignornace, but I'm pretty lame when it comes to these matters.) Again, thanks for any insight.
    I tried to answer that for you last night, as I have been through the proctored exam.
    That is OK though as I am sure Lisa can answer that stuff.

    Fact is that a proctored test will save you money since the instructor does not need to be paid and the venue can be anywhere.

    No need for advertising ,sending letters,paying to rent a hall,etc.

    I will let Lisa continue.

  51. #246
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    Fredericksburg, VA

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    I just sent the message to iNACHI Lisa:

    It is illegal in the state of Virgina for a home inspector to call him or her self a "Certified Home Inspector" or to offer certified home inspections unless they hold a current valid state certification. Please refer to the following link:

    LIS > Administrative Code > 18VAC15-40

    Therefore, Virginia iNACHI members cannot advertise or list themselves as "Certified" because they belong to iNACHI. Please advise you Virginia members of the legal requirements in the state.

    H. Stuart Brooks VA Lic: 3380-000409

    The above statements are expressed solely as my opinion and in all probability will conflict with someone else's.
    Stu, Fredericksburg VA

  52. #247
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Today would be a good day to join.
    NACHI is having the big Christmas party with tons of free gifts.
    I just won 2 LED flashlights and a Laser pointer along with the other first 100 to respond.

    Merry Christmas everyone

  53. #248
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Elliott View Post
    Today would be a good day to join.
    NACHI is having the big Christmas party with tons of free gifts.
    I just won 2 LED flashlights and a Laser pointer along with the other first 100 to respond.

    Merry Christmas everyone

    LOL Bob.. I have to make a tough decision.
    Do I spend $289.00 to join nicki and sit at home with no inspections, like 100 plus of his members are doing to get free stuff.
    Or, do I go do my second $300.00 inspection, and pick up 2-10 new customers @ $300.00 per in the next few months

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  54. #249
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart Brooks View Post
    I just sent the message to iNACHI Lisa:

    It is illegal in the state of Virgina for a home inspector to call him or her self a "Certified Home Inspector" or to offer certified home inspections unless they hold a current valid state certification. Please refer to the following link:

    LIS > Administrative Code > 18VAC15-40

    Therefore, Virginia iNACHI members cannot advertise or list themselves as "Certified" because they belong to iNACHI. Please advise you Virginia members of the legal requirements in the state.

    H. Stuart Brooks VA Lic: 3380-000409
    This is very true not only in VA but a few other states, but if the organization's name is placed in front of Certified Inspector such as; ASHI Certified Inspector then the state is OK with it. So if they said INACHI Certified Inspector it is not an issue.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  55. #250
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    This is very true not only in VA but a few other states, but if the organization's name is placed in front of Certified Inspector such as; ASHI Certified Inspector then the state is OK with it. So if they said INACHI Certified Inspector it is not an issue.
    If you go to the iNachi website, go to "find an inspector", search your state, the heading is "CERTIFIED INSPECTORS" not iNACHI Certified. I plan to check each member that lists a web site. When I was just starting I joined NACHI as well as ASHI, I used the logo on my website but later included a disclaimer to state certification under the logo.

    I have not seen very much of ASHI inspectors in VA using ASHI Certification as a primary marketing tool unless they were also state certified. Association membership or certification does not appear to play a very big role in the home inspection business here, at least in the NOVA area. I've had a few clients who said that ASHI membership played a role in their selection process. I've had very few contacts from ASHI and even fewer agents seem to give a hoot. That's one reason a lot of local inspectors have dropped the $300-$500 a year in dues to national associations and local chapters.

    The above statements are expressed solely as my opinion and in all probability will conflict with someone else's.
    Stu, Fredericksburg VA

  56. #251
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Harris View Post
    LOL Bob.. I have to make a tough decision.
    Do I spend $289.00 to join nicki and sit at home with no inspections, like 100 plus of his members are doing to get free stuff.
    Or, do I go do my second $300.00 inspection, and pick up 2-10 new customers @ $300.00 per in the next few months
    Always a party pooper in every crowd.

    Do you see how looking at defects affects you.

    Get yourself a good iphone or Android and you can do both guy.

  57. #252
    Bob Barnett's Avatar
    Bob Barnett Guest

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Scott, we at InterNACHI were all thrilled this morning to learn that you've publicly admitted that the reason ASHI has no entrance requirements is so that ASHI can enrich itself by doubling the number of unqualified newbies ASHI dumps on unsuspecting consumers. Thank you. Your quote should be required reading for every consumer and realtor in North America.

    Scott Patterson admits in November 2009 on
    How much does nick pay you to be an ad for his sole proprietorship Organization? Every thing I have read from you so far is ads for this so called organization.
    Do you have a life outside of Nicks back side?

  58. #253
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Barnett View Post
    How much does nick pay you to be an ad for his sole proprietorship Organization? Every thing I have read from you so far is ads for this so called organization.
    Do you have a life outside of Nicks back side?
    Like a used car salesman, ads are all they are. Besides suing ASHI members for exposing them for what they are, getting a new sucker everyday to buy their crap is the only way they can survive.

    We all can help her stay away from here, and make nicki happy[ believing there are thousands here interested in his org] by clicking on his ad on this site several times everyday. And also make Brian a few extra bucks.

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  59. #254
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  60. #255
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post
    Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.
    Minnesota Home Inspectors LLC
    ASHI #242887

  61. #256
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Rowe View Post
    Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.
    True.. All the attorney has to do is take the on-line quiz in the Judges name and present it to the Judge
    Sad thing is, the inspector has to pay an attorney to defend himself.

    Nickos moto, his venders, and members that pay him, shut everyone up, or sue anybody that is sincere about our profession by exposing scams in our profession.
    Abusing the legal system is the only tool ole nicko, and his members have to prevent his org from being exposed for what his org is.

    Last edited by Dan Harris; 02-21-2010 at 07:31 PM.
    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  62. #257
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Rowe View Post
    Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.
    Would not even take a mediocre defense attorney, a first year law student would get half way through reading that and realize there is enough in there to have that thrown out for lack of merit and then counter sue for a variety of reasons.


    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  63. #258
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Rowe View Post
    Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.

    Another lawsuit? You have to be kidding! At what point does the Judaical system catch on to this pathological lawsuit hungry person.

    A simple call, letter or email and I bet Mr. Bopp would have removed any plagiarized material. My bet is he had a website designer make it up and that person found it on the Internet in some shape or form.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  64. #259
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Mr. Cohen must be desperate for clients. I have had to write Mr. Cohen several times in order to bring to his attention the actions or lack thereof of his client.

    I don't think Nick likes it when I email not only Mr. Cohen but every lawyer listed on the Nachi contact list.

  65. #260
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    Default Re: What's the deal with NACHI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post
    Mr. Cohen must be desperate for clients. I have had to write Mr. Cohen several times in order to bring to his attention the actions or lack thereof of his client.

    I don't think Nick likes it when I email not only Mr. Cohen but every lawyer listed on the Nachi contact list.
    Keep sending them, if Mr Cohen and all the other lawyers are typical lawyers, they bill nicko for every email you send them.

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

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