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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Natural gas,radon and other soil gases can enter homes through foundation cracks

    ....and other openings.
    -Frozen Ground Can Direct Escaped Gas to Homes
    Frozen Ground Can Direct Escaped Gas To Homes -

    ...if a house happens to be in the path it will go into the cracks

    ...the gas made it`s way into the home through cracks or ANY openings in BASEMENT WALLS where the gas goes up against the wall

    ...the migrating gas made it`s way into the unoccupied home turning the basement into a ticking time bomb

    -Two Girls Die in Possible Pesticide Exposure
    Davis County Clipper - Two girls die in possible pesticide exposure
    ...investigators believe the fumes found their way into the Toone home through tiny cracks where the foundation meets the building

    Some exterior foundation cracks and other openings where soil gases can enter.
    Picasa Web Albums - LeakyBasement - Basement Wate...

    Picasa Web Albums - LeakyBasement - Basement Wate...

    Similar Threads:
    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Natural gas,radon and other soil gases can enter homes through foundation cracks

    Basement Waterproofing Information and FAQs - Waterproofing Cost - Learn about Our Waterproofing Systems
    Should i have the outside of my walls sealed?
    THEY say, No.....this work was done when your house was built.It didn`t work then and it won`t work now....

    Amazing,incompetent,false claims etc.

    The outside of basement walls were NOT 'waterproofed' and were not backfilled w/all gravel.

    Basement Waterproofing Information and FAQs - Waterproofing Cost - Learn about Our Waterproofing Systems
    Do you use extensive outside excavation?
    THEY answer....No! It is not only unnecessary..............

    More incompetent,false claims.

    Better OPEN your eyes and further your supposed expertise!!!

    Below are some photo`s for ya B Dry....
    Don`t seal these eh? Was aleady done huh?
    Not necessary,etc? So its OK w/you if soil gases,water etc enters cracks?

    A 7 year old could see WHO is telling the truth here,ya knotheads!

    Picasa Web Albums - LeakyBasement

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Natural gas,radon and other soil gases can enter homes through foundation cracks


    was there a question here, or is this a old thread


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Natural gas,radon and other soil gases can enter homes through foundation cracks


    the only questions would be to any of those inside system co`s.

    just wanted to post those couple stories with photo`s of foundation cracks.

    then point out B Dry and others who only install inside systems do not repair those cracks and other openings thus water,GAS,insects etc will continue to enter and many inside system co`s actually CREATE openings inside peoples basements which can only allow more soil gases to enter.

    some of the openings they create and leave open inside peoples homes are gaps along the floor-wall joint and holes in the bottom courses of block wall.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Natural gas,radon and other soil gases can enter homes through foundation cracks

    It must be Mr Wizard talking to himself again.
    That ignore button is THE BEST.


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