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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Charlottesville, Va.

    Default What do you think this black substance is ?

    What do you guys think this black substance along the caulking at the top of the baseboard is. I'm leaning more towards construction debris caught in the caulking than fungi. This is from an older house which was recently totally remodeled and this is located in a closet with no water sources in the immediate vicinity.


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    Last edited by Robert Foster; 01-14-2011 at 07:40 AM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Sure looks like mildew/mold to me.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Foster View Post
    What do you guys think this black substance along the caulking at the top of the baseboard is. I'm leaning more towards construction debris caught in the caulking than fungi. This is from an older house which was recently totally remodeled and this is located in a closet with no water sources in the immediate vicinity.

    Without seeing it in person it is hard to say, but my SWAG is mould.

    You have an older home that I assume is on a crawlspace or a basement. You have a closed closet with no ventilation. The framing on older homes allow the cool air from below to mix with the warmer air inside the walls of the home in what is called a "stack effect", it works like a chimney. The warm air rises pulling the cool air from below up in to the wall and then you have condensation and mold is commonly found in this type of situation.

    You do not need to have a plumbing source for water, condensation is the source.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  4. #4
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    Columbus GA

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Lets see, peeling paint, mold / mildew.
    Is this an exterior wall?
    Looks like there is a moisture problem.
    I think there is a faint water stain on the wall

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Charlottesville, Va.

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    I haven't seen this in person. I inspected this house last Fall and the house remained vacant till this week when the buyers moved in and called me. I asked them to take the pictures.

    The house had a Clean Space Crawlspace done as part of the remodeling.

    There are only two bedroom closets in this small house and I'm a shutter bug of anything that looks remotely interesting as this would have. I did note the unfinished condition of the closets during the inspection i.e. no door trim, no painting etc.

    I believe the walls shown are not exterior walls.

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  6. #6
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    Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Ken Carpenter here with Reliable Home Inspection in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Greetings to my fellow Home Inspectors.

    It looks like the floor may have gotten water soaked at one time, wicking moisture up behind the original baseboard. New (shorter) baseboard was then installed during the remodel, leaving a very "revealing" reveal. The caulker/painter must have missed this closet. It looks like a dark stain was chosen for the floor refinish. That would be a great choice to help hide those deep blackening stains that usually result when oak gets water soaked! That's what I'm seeing.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Have actually seen this condition along the entire baseboards of a residence; it had plenty of elevation above the surrounding grade so a water problem from flooding was ruled out. Could have been an interior water leak from a plumbing problem but here was no evidence of that ether. Because there was a tile floor we had to surmise that the over exuberant home owner used a very wet mop during floor cleaning. At any rate it was recommended that the client do further investigation and correction as required to correct the problem; sometime it is difficult to detect the cause of a problem which can be out of the scope of our inspection process, don't be afraid to admit you don't know the answer it is better than making something up, thats when we get in trouble.

  8. #8
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    Post Re: What do you think this black substance is ?


    Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
    Housesmithe Inspection

  9. #9
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Looks like mould,especially in a closet,were there is no air circulation,older home? basement leakage.Hm

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Looks like mold however I see a streak pattern that indicates that is behind the baseboard as the quarter round is new and from the looks of it they slid the baseboard down from an inch up..

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mold Tester View Post
    You cant say definitively without doing a mold inspection. I would hire professionaly trained scientist come and do a mold test.
    Now why would anyone waste their money as testing that for mold?

    It needs to be cleaned off.

    And the cause found out and corrected.

    But what kind of mold it is? Who cares. That does not matter.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  12. #12
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    Melbourne, FL

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Perhaps the Obama administration can provide the needed scientist; or socialist or marxist or communist? I am sure they can find mold or something resembling it there. Must need some new regulations to correct this eminent danger.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas McKay View Post
    Perhaps the Obama administration can provide the needed scientist; or socialist or marxist or communist? I am sure they can find mold or something resembling it there. Must need some new regulations to correct this eminent danger.
    Nah, they are too busy trying to scrub the stinkin' mold residue off which 'W' let get all over everything, actin' like the king he thought he was.

    Okay, enough politics for now ... ... need to keep this board civil.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  14. #14
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    A Bud for you.

  15. #15
    Alfred's Avatar
    Alfred Guest

    Default Re: What do you think this black substance is ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Foster View Post
    What do you guys think this black substance along the caulking at the top of the baseboard is. I'm leaning more towards construction debris caught in the caulking than fungi. This is from an older house which was recently totally remodeled and this is located in a closet with no water sources in the immediate vicinity.

    This looks like a mold to me . . . !!!
    Dont go with the color there are different types of it in the market .


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