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  1. #1
    Brian E Kelly's Avatar
    Brian E Kelly Guest

    Default binders and other things in the report

    I have lost my connection to companies providing such things as report binders and other items to put into the binders. I can not find any good sites other than Inspector Stuff and ITA and they only offer a limited amount of items. Any idea's would be greatly appreciated.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    A vast majority of the home inspectors across the country have gotten away from the binders and printed reports. The trend is Emailing of the report and or uploading the report to your website or a third party site. This cuts your production time and cost.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3
    Brian E Kelly's Avatar
    Brian E Kelly Guest

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    I do e-mail almost 100% of my reports, but I provide a binder with such things as ASHI code of ethics, a Mr Fix-it book for 1st time home owners, and even blank 3 ring punched paper for my customer to print out and put in the binders. I was just wondering if there are any other companies out there that sell other items to be put in the binders. I give the binders to my clients at the inspection and e-mail the report latter.
    Are you only provide an e-mailed report?

  4. #4
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    quote: "Are you only provide an e-mailed report?"

    Yep... absolutely.

    Personally, I don't want my client distracted with anyting else. Hell, most don't read all the report anyway. Anything else thrown-in is just gong to be tucked away in the attic or stuffed unto a trash bin.

    I give'em enough to keep'em busy for quite some time...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    quote: "Are you only provide an e-mailed report?"

    Yep... absolutely.

    Personally, I don't want my client distracted with anyting else. Hell, most don't read all the report anyway. Anything else thrown-in is just gong to be tucked away in the attic or stuffed unto a trash bin.

    I give'em enough to keep'em busy for quite some time...
    I second that.

    Keep the other garbage out. Let them buy that stuff at the Big Box store if they want it.

    At most, maybe, (I didn't), provide them with web addresses in the report where they can go and get things. To me, though, there are more important thing HIs should be doing than pretending to be the 'everything source'.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    I agree with all the others. Keep the report simple.

    I seen a report that was issued to my son (the realtor) the other day that was in a really nice binder. This thing was the size of a coffee table book.

    The report was only 12 pages long, but had probably 200 other pages of "fluff" thrown in there.

    I really thought the HI's personal recipes was carrying it a bit too far.

    Heck, I don't even send a cover page with a fax that how much I'm a rebel.

  7. #7
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    Boy, you are waaaay behind the times with the old style fax machines...

    Efax is the way to go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Corpus Christi, TX

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian E Kelly View Post
    I do e-mail almost 100% of my reports, but I provide a binder with such things as ASHI code of ethics, a Mr Fix-it book for 1st time home owners, and even blank 3 ring punched paper for my customer to print out and put in the binders. I was just wondering if there are any other companies out there that sell other items to be put in the binders. I give the binders to my clients at the inspection and e-mail the report latter.
    Are you only provide an e-mailed report?
    I don't know what your bulk needs are, but if you have a Lighthouse for the Blind up there, try them. If not, send me an email and I'll get you the contact here. They provide binders for several large accounts, to include USPS. They also sell non branded.

    Do what's best for your business, but I have eliminated everything except email to transmit the report itself. All the Welcome Wagon stuff is kept separate.

    The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
    - Paul Fix

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian E Kelly View Post
    I do e-mail almost 100% of my reports, but I provide a binder with such things as ASHI code of ethics, a Mr Fix-it book for 1st time home owners, and even blank 3 ring punched paper for my customer to print out and put in the binders. I was just wondering if there are any other companies out there that sell other items to be put in the binders. I give the binders to my clients at the inspection and e-mail the report latter.
    Are you only provide an e-mailed report?
    Yes, a copy of the report via email is all they get. I use to send the all types of stuff (fodder) and I discovered that about 90% of the time it ended up in the trash. The new buyers were just too busy in the move and new home purchase that they really did not care or have the time to read the extra stuff.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  10. #10
    Claudia Lawrence's Avatar
    Claudia Lawrence Guest

    Wink Re: binders and other things in the report

    Hello there, Well we have just the right thing for you. We have hand generated book style as well as computer generated that uses a book with many disclosures that reduce liability as well as markets you. Your own personalized look.

    Branding is an important part of your look. We also have colors.

    We have been in business for over 20 years with this proven concept. I might add that as sluggish as the market has been our Affiliate inspectors are still doing business.

    Check us out at : The Home of TWI Affiliates, LLC. Products and Services - Home

    Or call 1(888) 635-0121 and ask to sample our report system. There is not comparison. TWI is still setting the Standards!

  11. #11
    Claudia Lawrence's Avatar
    Claudia Lawrence Guest

    Talking Re: binders and other things in the report (Rick Hurst)

    Rick, I would like to comment on your binder of "Fluff". Obviously no one has done their home work.

    Many binders are like that just fluff. If you have ever had the opportunity to see the Uniform Building Inspection Report you might change your mind.

    That binder will probably be on the shelf when your son moves and the next buyer will see it. It markets you! Generally speaking the average inspection reports gets lost in a flurry of paper files. The binders usually hang around a book shelf till they move or for future referral.

    The Uniform Building Inspection Report has surfaced many times over in 2nd, 3rd, sale. It has served as a reference book for the home buyer to troubleshoot issues as well as a disclosure report. It has saved many in court and has curtailed many call backs and complaints. A binder is just fluff if it has no value under the cover.

    Check it out! Many of our inspectors have averaged over 30-50 inspection per month and are remembered!

    The Home of TWI Affiliates, LLC. Products and Services - Home 1(888)635-0121

    Claudia Lawrence, Home of the Uniform Building Inspection Report for over 20 years they look at, as the pace setter of Standards!

    Last edited by Claudia Lawrence; 08-24-2007 at 08:51 AM. Reason: Needed to add url, ph # grammatical error

  12. #12
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    I've delivered my reports via e-mail since "day one". Have never had a client ask for more. I've talked with many, many clients about "additional data/stuff/fluff" (have even showed them samples of products) and without fail they have all said "why?".

    They are interested in the report and findings.

    As noted ... agents only want to see the summary pages at the back of the report.

    It is an additional cost to doing business that may likely not be able to have any ROI.

    As for having a report used for many years to other folks after the initial client. NOT - My reports are non-transferable and if I do run across my report being used by someone other than my original client they will be getting a 'slap on the wrist'.

    As for the UBIR report ... can't see any 'sample reports' at the website. Also is there one made that accommodates the TREC 7A-0 required format?

  13. #13
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Re: binders and other things in the report

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    Boy, you are waaaay behind the times with the old style fax machines... Efax is the way to go.

    Another service to consider is: Internet Fax - Online Fax To Email Service -

    I've been using them for well over a year now. Great service.


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