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  1. #1
    Scot Asher's Avatar
    Scot Asher Guest

    Default Idea what this is?

    I found a floor drain in the garage and I am assuming this is the vent for it. Other ideas what else it is connected to? House is on a slab.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scot Asher View Post
    . Other ideas what else it is
    Fill Tube for buried fuel oil tank.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  3. #3
    Scot Asher's Avatar
    Scot Asher Guest

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Would it be safe to assume all the houses on that street have them because they are there.

  4. #4
    Scot Asher's Avatar
    Scot Asher Guest

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    It Would apppear to be an oil tank fill tube, but I am pretty sure it was a vent for a drain line or sewer at one time. Anyone else ever seen this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    New Westminster BC

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Never saw an oil tank filling tube used as a plumbing vent, but anything's possible. What did you see that makes you pretty sure it was a plumbing vent at one time? I would be more concerned about the possible oil tank since as everyone knows, the remediation costs for dealing with a disused underground oil tank can be huge.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scot Asher View Post
    It Would apppear to be an oil tank fill tube, but I am pretty sure it was a vent for a drain line or sewer at one time. Anyone else ever seen this?

  6. #6
    Scot Asher's Avatar
    Scot Asher Guest

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Did some more investigating and it was an old vent for the sewer's on those houses before homes were vented out the roof. It serves now as a vent for a drain in the garage floor. Strange I know, alway's something to learn in this profession.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Could it be Radon slab vent????

  8. #8
    William Galbraith's Avatar
    William Galbraith Guest

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    What does your nose know? Did you remove the cap and smell anything like fuel, sewer, extraterrestial beings (whatever they smell like)?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Snowbird (this means I'm retired and migrate between locations), FL/MI

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Location suggests Water Main or Sewer Lateral cleanout for building.
    Proximity to Garage vehicle door and driveway as well as hinge side of entry door suggests need for Protection (as does replacement/overlay sloppy asphaltic cover upon garage apron, foundation, entry pad/walking surface and driveway).

    Check with Town or City Public Works, easements, etc. Expect identification upon survey.

    Protection for:
    - "Buffalo Box" older "curb stop"/shut off/keystop access for city/town water supply,
    - Pre 80s sewer lateral cleanout,
    - possible former wellhead cap/casing improperly abandonded.

    Apparent "floating" bare ground conductor alongside founation between "mystery pipe" and entry door.

    Any of which are improperly paved over with sloppy asphalt /around on the raised ranch home overtop slab, garage apron and entry stoop/pad.

    Rename Photos prior to posting.

    Last edited by H.G. Watson, Sr.; 05-15-2011 at 08:55 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Long Island, NY

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Looks like a buried trap vent pipe with standard vented cover. Pipe looks to big in picture to be an oil fill pipe plus you would need to see a vent pipe for the buried oil tank. Asphalt around pipe makes it hard to dig up trap if needed. Remove cap and look down pipe while a sink is draining nearby if you see running water it is a waste pipe.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Idea what this is?

    Scot: Did you ask the seller or City inspector?? let us know!


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