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  1. #131
    Ed Reynolds's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Some things bear repeating.

    From a Church Marquee...

    Declaration of Independence:

    More Freedom

    Not More Government!

    Inspection Referral

  2. #132
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Terry S.

    Just a big thanks for the Obama video site.

  3. #133
    Terry Sandmeier's Avatar
    Terry Sandmeier Guest

    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Robert M.

    Yea Man!

  4. #134
    William Layher's Avatar
    William Layher Guest

    Thumbs down Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Are you for real?

  5. #135
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    Less than 6 months in the office and Barack is digging us out of the Bush Hole.

    Total US jobless rolls drop sharply to nearly 6.7M - Builder Magazine

    Republicans take your besst shot.
    Remember all these posts? How are things working out for all you Obama supporters?


  6. #136
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    Remember all these posts? How are things working out for all you Obama supporters?
    Here Ya Go.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  7. #137
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Ahhhhhh! Kool Aid! Did you draw that yourself, Billy?
    Our comments will probably be deleted now that we are on the wrong side of political debate, you watch! Maybe the entire thread!

    Last edited by Benjamin Thompson; 08-17-2012 at 08:54 PM.

  8. #138
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    Remember all these posts? How are things working out for all you Obama supporters?
    Pretty good if $16 trillion in debt and ongoing unemployment rate of over 8% are considered positive. Of course, the apologists will defend him as they go over the falls.

  9. #139
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Hank Spinnler View Post
    Pretty good if $16 trillion in debt and ongoing unemployment rate of over 8% are considered positive.
    Are you saying that 8% unemployment is NOT better than the 9%-10% he was given?

    If you are, then I guess we need to go back to that 9%-10% your buddy W left him? Your math skills make no sense ... 8% IS less than 9%-10%, and that IS a POSITIVE thing.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  10. #140
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    Ahhhhhh! Kool Aid! Did you draw that yourself, Billy?!
    I Wish ! ( I'm not Good ).

    ***IMPORTANT*** You Need To Register To View Images ***IMPORTANT*** You Need To Register To View Images
    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  11. #141
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I'm having my best year since 2007 before the market took a crap. I've been consistently busy all year inspecting bigger houses and charging more. I can't speak for others but I'm doing fine. But it doesn't mean I'm OK with the way things are going in the country. I can't say I'm dissatisfied enough to vote for the guy with swiss bank accounts.

    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  12. #142
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Obama Turning the Tide... to Red

    @Jerry, I believe he said that if he didn't cut the deficit in half and reduce unemployment to below 6%, he would be a 1-term president. Lord, I hope determined his own fate with that statement.

    Nick, I am glad you are having an awesome year in business. Ditto here. You need to be charging more for increases in cost of living and to save for retirement. You dollar is not going to stretch quite as far. The high amount of National debt will be part of the reason.

    Based on what you said, it seem it is against your conviction to vote for someone who is rich and has Swiss bank accounts. However, all taxpayers must pay for Obama to fly & to ride around the country campaigning and fundraising with his motorcade. He acts like it is HIS money and he is entitled to do whatever the heck he wants without producing. He has become renowned for playing golf, hosting more fundraisers than his predecessors, appearing on late night TV, shows like The View and giving interviews to People magazine. Many seem to care more about what he listens to on his iPod. When I watch him "Slow jamming the news" with Fallon, that's enough. Will not watch Michelle & Pelosi on Fallon. The White House Correspondents dinner, which was more like a celebrity roast, was embarrassing to watch. In my opinion, beneath the office of the president. Pardon me, but WTF?

    B.O. is not attending to the duties of the Office. He hasn't met with his Jobs Council. Similarly, it's a long time since he's held a press conference. He has chief apologist, Jay Carney, out there defending him and telling reporters that he has not heard of this development or been apprised of that issue.

    No matter what your age is, has the country every been more divided than it is now? Look at all the back and forth on message boards, no matter if it's an inspector message board or the major news hubs, it's everywhere. Why, because many of us are holdouts on the direction this country is going. The slow erosion of Liberty and individualism that liberals & progressives dismiss. Why should government initiate a class warfare debate and determine what is a reasonable amount of money to earn?

    He has been doing a fair amount of pandering lately. I call it "shotgun pandering" to unions, students & other groups he needs to collect votes from. I guess it's easy to go to universities and colleges and pick off impressionable students who have not had as much life or job experience. Promise them loan forgiveness and continued low interest rates. I guess he is allowed to "evolve" on his opinion without being labeled a "flip flopper."

    So Nick, look beyond your own back yard and see what's out there on the horizon. After all, don't you live and work in the birthplace of America, where the Liberty Bell resides and the Declaration of Independence was signed by our founding fathers?

    You can pick apart all that I said and dismiss it as bullshit, but there are grains of truth in what I am saying. That is unless, some of you are too far gone to notice them.

    "Envy is ignorance" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Last edited by Hank Spinnler; 08-19-2012 at 09:20 AM. Reason: typo

  13. #143
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Hank Spinnler View Post
    @Jerry, I believe he said that if he didn't cut the deficit in half and reduce unemployment to below 6%, he would be a 1-term president.
    Yes he did say that - with the full presumption that REPUBLICANS WOULD ALSO WANT WORK TOGETHER TOWARD HELPING THIS COUNTRY ... and the republicans chose NOT TO WORK TOWARD HELPING THIS COUNTRY ... and Obama cannot be blames for the republicans trying to destroy this country just so they can vote Obama out.

    Seems some people are pleased with the republicans continuing to destroy this country and stop all progress toward a recovery. Those people would rather blame Obama now than to have helped with the recovery along the way, because if they had helped with the recovery along the way, all they could say would be 'Yep, what he said actually did work.', now they get to say that it did not work, but they ignore all the time and money they spent trying to make it NOT work.

    So there is no need to post that $hit here. If you want to post that $hit, go to where you republicans hangout and talk about it while devising other ways to continue to try to make the recovery not happen.

    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 08-19-2012 at 10:34 AM. Reason: spellin' and format
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  14. #144
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I don't really trust either side Hank. They will all lie through their teeth and say what they have to in order to get elected. Like Jerry said, the dems and repubs would rather fight each other and try to undo and break apart what the other side accomplished rather than try to make something work. They may say they care about the American people but their actions don't show it.

    Romney says he supports the 2nd amendment and doesn't want to add new laws regarding gun ownership but his actions during his tenure as the governor of Masachusettes says otherwise.

    Last edited by Nick Ostrowski; 08-19-2012 at 10:50 AM.
    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  15. #145
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I think if someone were to change their name to "None of the above" they would win.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  16. #146
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I dont know about you folks but IF I made millions a year I do believe I would have it in a safe bank off shore where I would not get beat to helll and back on taxes.

    I guess I could keep it in one of our wonderful banks like all the ones we bailed out and then pay big taxes on it all. I guess those banks we paid billions towards that really did not need it and then they paid it back in record time and then continued to make billions and then to top it all off they all raise their fees and make millions and billions more just from those raised fees on top of all those billions they already made.

    Take a check to a bank and cash it in a bank that is not your bank. Just for the privelage of saving the bank time and money utilizing a teller that is already getting paid for the day (poorly) and they will charge you 6 dollars or more in most banks. Eliminate the mail sorting and shuffling, bring the check directly to a banker that is already getting paid for the day, being cost effective and in reality maybe eliminating a job or so by doing the direct thing, and they charge you 6 dollars.

    I wonder why someone that makes millions would put their money in an off shore account. Rediculous fees and rediculous taxes.

    That is just one fine example.

    One more thing. Instead of getting on someone for only paying 14% in federal tax that makes a lot of money how about the millions that pay absolutely no federal tax on their money. How about all the cuts to fammilies with children that can write of pretty large amounts from the taxes they pay even when that fammily is pulling in a 100,000 a year after taxes.

    Way too much wrong in all directions and parties to even consider downing one side or the other or one person or the other for the foolshness that is going on.

    If you make 100 dollars a week or 2,000 dollars a week you should pay a flat amount in federal taxes. Granted,, the far less you make the far less you pay but then no one in this country could be getting on anyone for what they do or do not pay in taxes.

    In our state they pay the children of illegals 25,000 a year toward college ....per year.... that they never have to pay back. How about everyoine gets money for college and they all pay it back.

    How about they tuition fees keep going up and up and up every year. How about the list on salaries from college empolyees does not even get under the 100,000 mark until after page 20 of the list. How about a college librarian making 60,000 some odd a year and a councelor husband making that or more. How about those jobs are not worth nearly half of that.

    Gents there is a lot more going on here that needs to be corrected. What we really needed was a real recession where most of the make believe money that folks banked over 20 years disappeared and came back to reality and salaries came back to reality. Neighborhood and neighborhood of folks living in homes 4000 sq ft and up when decades ago a 4000 sq ft home would certainly not be the norm for the folks living in them and the salaries they made in comparison to today.

    And our waitresses are still making mimimum wage and construction workers still making crap fo money. Police and teachers use to start out with the same money as construction workers. Granted cops and teachers eventually made more but now aday I have a couple of relatives in California that have both been teachers for a couple decades and they bring in over 100,000 a year after taxes between them. Fort worth cops start out with 53,000.00 a year after 30 days probation. The minimum retirement of a retired fort worth cop is .... about 53,000 a year plus full benefits for life.

    Enough said. The country and the world has all got it wrong and sometime (probably after I am dead) there will be such a serious crash I would not want to live thru it.

    Now, after that rediculous rant. Off to work in one of the better housing sales runs in several years. Will it last? Hope so but I know if it has to do with real estate it will run for a while and then drop again. I should have been a surgeon. Everyone will eventually need fixin.

  17. #147
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Romney says he supports the 2nd amendment and doesn't want to add new laws regarding gun ownership but his actions during his tenure as the governor of Masachusettes says otherwise.
    That's because he needs the NRA backing.
    I have to admit Obama was shot down by the Dem's and Repub. not letting anything go through. Don't know if it won't work until you try it right? Need a law they can try their ideas on a short term basis and if it doesn't pan out as prescribed it gets thrown out. ..........Lets start with Welfare.

    Mike Schulz License 393
    Affordable Home Inspections

  18. #148
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Yes he did say that - with the full presumption that REPUBLICANS WOULD ALSO WANT WORK TOGETHER TOWARD HELPING THIS COUNTRY ... and the republicans chose NOT TO WORK TOWARD HELPING THIS COUNTRY ... and Obama cannot be blames for the republicans trying to destroy this country just so they can vote Obama out.

    Seems some people are pleased with the republicans continuing to destroy this country and stop all progress toward a recovery. Those people would rather blame Obama now than to have helped with the recovery along the way, because if they had helped with the recovery along the way, all they could say would be 'Yep, what he said actually did work.', now they get to say that it did not work, but they ignore all the time and money they spent trying to make it NOT work.

    So there is no need to post that $hit here. If you want to post that $hit, go to where you republicans hangout and talk about it while devising other ways to continue to try to make the recovery not happen.
    I will post whatever $hit I want to unless the moderator chooses otherwise. As far as reaching across the aisles, the president has unilaterally passed the unpopular Obamacare without a single republican vote for it. Where was the transparency and televising it on C-Span? He had two years to turn the ship around, but instead, worked on breaking the record for the number of golf outings by a president as well as hosting "Star Wars" character parties at the W.H. Where was the transparency he pledged? None, but definitely some scandals including GSA, Secret Service, & Solyndra. Cap-and-trade, a failure. Over-regulating the coal industry. Keystone pipeline - ditched. Chevy Volt? I've seen four of them total in the last 2 years. By the way, I'm sure there will be one or two waiting for him when he returns to being a private citizen.

    The word "progress" as this administration interprets it as "it's our way or the highway." Harry Reid is playing goalkeeper on your end. He's not letting anything come up for a vote. He needs to retire and attend to his pomegranate trees.

  19. #149
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    A few thoughts:

    I just would like to know how his lordship plans on paying for everything he is doing!

    I think it was pointed out that one reason unemployment numbers are down is that many have used all of their unemployment up and they are now off the list. If you don't collect unemployment then you are not included in the numbers.

    At what point will our current political leadership and others realize that they need to take ownership and stop passing the blame to those who are no longer around.

    Why do we tolerate folks like Barbara Boxer? The General said Yes Ma'am (this is how the military refers to others in formal settings) and he was called on the rug and told to call her Senator.

    Why have we not heard anything about the Inspector General that was fired for questioning how money was being spent. Ahh, I think this is his job!

    When will the media honeymoon be over for Obama? Camelot is looking more like Disneyland.

    Will you be willing to pay a 40% tax on your income to support the health care program (Obamacare) that is being looked at? Or would you be willing to pay a 10% VAT tax on everything you purchase?

    And yes I'm a conservative Independent.
    Well said...

  20. #150
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    With the upcoming elections it might be prudent to remember the old German saying: same trough, different pigs.

    Texas Inspector
    What the plainspoken man lacks in subtlety, he makes up in clarity.

  21. #151

    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Just plain and simple folks. Keep it plain and simple. The republican mind has become warped beyond belief. I would surely like to keep church and state separate when it comes to politics. But with guys running for the Senate that believe in some form of "Legitimate" rape, and that a "woman can shut down her body to prevent pregnancy when she is raped" I get really really scared. How does the conservative religious beliefs that spawn these crazy bastards survive in a modern world? Do you want the government to dictate to ALL women that they MUST deliver a baby when they get pregnant regardless of circumstance?

    This same superior attitude was evident in our Bush cabinet with Donald Rumsfeld telling us that he was sending the best equipped army in the world to Iraq. So how many men were killed and maimed before he started adding armor to the Humvees? Oh, remember little Georgie standing in his flight suit on an aircraft carrier announcing that the war was over? Let's see, that was about 7 years ago.

    The troops are returning from Iraq thanks to Obama.
    GM is still in business thanks to Obama. (and the treasury made a huge profit on their stock.)
    We have a pretty decent shot at giving everyone good health care and to cut costs at the same time thanks to Obama.
    The simple fact is that the Republican party has become so out there that our nation is in deep trouble. Where are the reasoned minds that saw public service as just that? Not as a career.

    I am a registered democrat who voted for the man. I have in the past voted republican because of the man. But the latest round of nuts running for office have led me to believe that the politics that made this country the greatest democracy ever no longer exist. We are in deep **** and sinking fast.

  22. #152
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by John Ghent View Post
    We are in deep **** and sinking fast.
    Yes sir.

    Texas Inspector
    What the plainspoken man lacks in subtlety, he makes up in clarity.

  23. #153
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post
    Yes sir.
    May I present 50 Dumb Liberal Quotes | The Stir
    Don't get me Started on Joe Biden Gaffe: Asks a Gentleman in a Wheelchair to Stand Up- YouTube

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  24. #154
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    And all I'm trying to do is to figure out who built my business if I didn't!

    A few of my thoughts.....

    I simply want to provide for my family! I will pay my income tax as required, but I do not feel that I need to support folks that are not even citizens of the United States of America.

    The government does not produce anything but debt, the small businesses across the country do produce and we are the ones that are punished more and more with regulations and tax.

    I feel our current guy in DC has failed. I feel our leaders on both sides of the isle in DC have failed. Just watch a few mintues of CSPAN and you will have to remind yourself that you are not watching Romper Room!

    Last edited by Scott Patterson; 08-21-2012 at 05:51 AM.
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  25. #155
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    GM is still in business thanks to Obama. (and the treasury made a huge profit on their stock.)
    We are in deep **** and sinking fast.[/QUOTE]

    General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy -- Again - Forbes

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  26. #156
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    Post Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    What Obama is turning is this country, and he is turning it upside-down. He is dividing the People, and he is eliminating the Constitutional Republic of our founding. He is forcing us ever more close to an Administrative Republic. He is a traitor.

    Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
    Housesmithe Inspection

  27. #157
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Turning nothing but my stomach...

  28. #158
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    And all I'm trying to do is to figure out who built my business if I didn't!

    A few of my thoughts.....

    I simply want to provide for my family! I will pay my income tax as required, but I do not feel that I need to support folks that are not even citizens of the United States of America.

    The government does not produce anything but debt, the small businesses across the country do produce and we are the ones that are punished more and more with regulations and tax.

    I feel our current guy in DC has failed. I feel our leaders on both sides of the isle in DC have failed. Just watch a few mintues of CSPAN and you will have to remind yourself that you are not watching Romper Room!
    Yea..., this pretty much sums it up.

  29. #159
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I wish we could just leave political discussions out of this forum. There are so many other places online to express political opinions. Why here?
    I'm sorry I read any of the posts on this thread. The vitriol is kind of sickening.
    See you all on the threads where we discuss home inspections.
    And ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  30. #160
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    . Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Well you too !

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  31. #161
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  32. #162
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    LOL.., go Billy.

  33. #163
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Marc M View Post
    LOL.., go Billy.
    Don't Look John !

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  34. #164
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    I wish we could just leave political discussions out of this forum. There are so many other places online to express political opinions. Why here?
    I'm sorry I read any of the posts on this thread. The vitriol is kind of sickening.
    See you all on the threads where we discuss home inspections.
    And ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    "Why Here?" and "The vitriol is kind of sickening." Well why not and the truth can be sickening can't it.

    Be happy that you still can voice an opinion without the thought police coming after you. Well for the most part.

    Too many people in America refrain from political discussion. Which may be why we are in the position we are in now. They go for the warm fuzzy trust me possitions offered by many politicians. Or they buy into class and race warfare concept offered.

    Be happy that you can still say "Merry Christmas" without retribution.


  35. #165
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    I wish we could just leave political discussions out of this forum. There are so many other places online to express political opinions. Why here?
    I'm sorry I read any of the posts on this thread. The vitriol is kind of sickening.
    See you all on the threads where we discuss home inspections.
    And ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    I agree.

    The problem with the people carrying on this thread is that they are the base of the New Republican Party in which its members are evangelical gun toting old white guys spouting the things about religion and not wanting anyone or anything who does not look like them or think like them ... just one problem with that New Republican Party - the only way for it to survive is for the men to have women to help reproduce and most of the women are now smart enough to realize that evangelical gun toting old white guys are relics of the past.

    Sorry about that guys, but your rants are causing most folks to puke ... (sigh)

    This place would be better without all the political chest beating and showing non-acceptance of people different from you.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  36. #166
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I agree.
    This place would be better without all the political chest beating and showing non-acceptance of people different from you.
    I'm looking forward to the coming year with the kinder gentler more accepting Jerry Peck. ..

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  37. #167
    Bill Parrish's Avatar
    Bill Parrish Guest

    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I agree.

    The problem with the people carrying on this thread is that they are the base of the New Republican Party in which its members are evangelical gun toting old white guys spouting the things about religion and not wanting anyone or anything who does not look like them or think like them ... just one problem with that New Republican Party - the only way for it to survive is for the men to have women to help reproduce and most of the women are now smart enough to realize that evangelical gun toting old white guys are relics of the past.

    Sorry about that guys, but your rants are causing most folks to puke ... (sigh)

    This place would be better without all the political chest beating and showing non-acceptance of people different from you.
    What an asswhole. . .

    Last edited by Bill Parrish; 12-26-2012 at 06:26 PM. Reason: s

  38. #168
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I agree.

    The problem with the people carrying on this thread is that they are the base of the New Republican Party in which its members are evangelical gun toting old white guys spouting the things about religion and not wanting anyone or anything who does not look like them or think like them ... just one problem with that New Republican Party - the only way for it to survive is for the men to have women to help reproduce and most of the women are now smart enough to realize that evangelical gun toting old white guys are relics of the past.

    Sorry about that guys, but your rants are causing most folks to puke ... (sigh)

    This place would be better without all the political chest beating and showing non-acceptance of people different from you.
    Who's beating their chest Jerry?

    Liberals get away with categorizing and stereotyping those with opposing views. I am not old, not evangelical and do not own a gun as of this moment. Why am I lumped in your "relics of the past" group Jerry?

    Liberals said nothing but disparaging remarks about people who felt that they were "Taxed Enough Already" if you know what I mean. Phrases like "teabaggers" and such. Racist remarks that no one could prove. Spitting on folks that did not happen.

    On the other hand, the occupiers got a pass from the president and from that bat $hit crazy Pelosi. White guy makes a remark and all hell breaks loose. Double standard in the media.

    Do you believe we have a revenue problem or a spending problem Jerry? Did you have a career in government with a pension and believe government is good?

    Liberals are the ones that don't accept others with opposing views like limited government. Liberal elites wish to regulate, educate and control the "unwashed masses" in order to create a more ideal or Utopian society. I know, I have a member of the family who is a PhD and she works for the federal government. She gets all the dead president days off and can usually shut if down after 5 pm to get home and watch Ellen. I don't have that luxury. She's always offering advice and trying "fix" everybody. Would she trust Obama and Biden with her checkbook? Hell no, but he catered to her demographic so she's hooked.

    You know what makes me want to puke and roll my eyes? That often repeated campaign uttering of "fair share" and "fair shot" and his class warfare b.s. Dems created the fake war on women thing. That's insulting to intelligent women.

    I am one demographic that he did not pander to. He covered all the rest of the bases with the "working class" rhetoric when campaigning to UAW workers, naive college students, and the gay & lesbian community. After all, if you run your own small business, that does not count. IRS simply wants you to be a productive worker bee. Hiring up to say 19,000 more IRS agents to enforce Obamacare. Now that's progress isn't it? Your rant didn't make me want to puke. It just made me mad.

    Last edited by Hank Spinnler; 12-26-2012 at 07:10 PM. Reason: ddd

  39. #169
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I, and others, have ignored these political posts from the extremist wing of the republican Guard for most of this thread.

    If those people do not like the opposite views to be posted ... go suck an egg. Sheesh!

    We''ve heard far too much blathering crap from those in the Republican Guard, and, if you want to see a kinder and gentler me in the new year ... well ... then all you have to do is stop the crappy Republican Guard posts, because, as you should now have noticed - only the blind may have missed this - I will be replying with posts which are increasingly aggressive ... don't like it? Then STFU.

    Maybe this will get Brian to delete this thread - seems there are some here who simply cannot take what they are dishing out. To bad is my response.

    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 12-26-2012 at 08:13 PM.
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  40. #170
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    The thread has been reported, we shall see if Brian wants to delete it or leave it to deteriorate as it will.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  41. #171
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    By the way ... STFU ... ?

    Stupid Typing For Unknowns

    What did you think it meant?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  42. #172
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Take 2 half breaths there Mr Understanding, Kinder & Gentler .
    *don't get the ole pressure too high.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  43. #173
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Good times.

    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  44. #174
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    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Disable the thread, why? Because it upsets you?

    You are the one going over the top with your comments. Does sound like either you meds need adjusting or you just need to get on some good ones.

    I tried reading your comments as if you were joking but seems that you may not be joking. If so then I'm sad...

    Jerry, do you like and follow the NASCAR closely or just like watching the events?

  45. #175
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I, and others, have ignored these political posts from the extremist wing of the republican Guard for most of this thread.

    If those people do not like the opposite views to be posted ... go suck an egg. Sheesh!

    We''ve heard far too much blathering crap from those in the Republican Guard, and, if you want to see a kinder and gentler me in the new year ... well ... then all you have to do is stop the crappy Republican Guard posts, because, as you should now have noticed - only the blind may have missed this - I will be replying with posts which are increasingly aggressive ... don't like it? Then STFU.

    Maybe this will get Brian to delete this thread - seems there are some here who simply cannot take what they are dishing out. To bad is my response.
    Right from the Democrat handbook. If you can't win the argument, marginalize the other side (along with some name-calling which also helps). Or, better yet, try to get the entire argument deleted!


  46. #176
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    This thread is a microcosm of why I hate politics and political speak. Both sides would rather point fingers at each other, call each other names, and blame each other when things go wrong. And the way everybody labels each other and chooses sides just drags things down even further. I don't care about democrat this or republican that or liberal this or conservative that. Get rid of the parties, get rid of the labels, and get to working together on solutions.

    Just fix it.

    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  47. #177
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Disable the thread, why? Because it upsets you?
    Nope, to save you from getting upset in the very near future, and to save others from getting upset to where they ask Brian to delete the thread.

    But ... if you and the others wish, and Brian agrees to let this thread continue, then so be it ... I've not even gotten started yet.

    I don't know what Brian's political persuasion is, and I really don't care, but if Brian likes nice and quite on this board then he should respect all sides of the political spectrum and save this forum form exploding into chaos.

    Not my call, Brian's call.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  48. #178
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Ostrowski View Post
    This thread is a microcosm of why I hate politics and political speak. Both sides would rather point fingers at each other, call each other names, and blame each other when things go wrong. And the way everybody labels each other and chooses sides just drags things down even further. I don't care about democrat this or republican that or liberal this or conservative that. Get rid of the parties, get rid of the labels, and get to working together on solutions.

    Just fix it.

    But some refuse to attempt to get along, and after a while of letting one side rant, the other side may soon rant too.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  49. #179
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    save this forum form exploding into chaos.
    The Sky's Falling.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  50. #180
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Hank Spinnler View Post

    Do you believe we have a revenue problem or a spending problem
    Its not an "either" / "or" situation.

    BOTH, and the spending is required, i.e. paying on the DEBT GW rang up. The puppet of Chaney and the Millitary Industrial and Privatized Service support Industry complex.

    We've all been enslaved as have our generations yet to come, to perpetual indentured servitude to the debt Chaney and puppet led the sheep from the TV to the fixed touch screen vote and ran up on the heads of many yet to be born genertions to come.

  51. #181
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Disable the thread, why? Because it upsets you?

    You are the one going over the top with your comments. Does sound like either you meds need adjusting or you just need to get on some good ones.

    I tried reading your comments as if you were joking but seems that you may not be joking. If so then I'm sad...

    Jerry, do you like and follow the NASCAR closely or just like watching the events?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Nope, to save you from getting upset in the very near future, and to save others from getting upset to where they ask Brian to delete the thread.

    But ... if you and the others wish, and Brian agrees to let this thread continue, then so be it ... I've not even gotten started yet.

    I don't know what Brian's political persuasion is, and I really don't care, but if Brian likes nice and quite on this board then he should respect all sides of the political spectrum and save this forum form exploding into chaos.

    Not my call, Brian's call.

    Jerry, Frankly it seems that you are the one upset. As for myself getting upset, well I can say that it does upset me that you seem to feel that a dissenting view requires termination or an attempt to berate the dissenter. Rather than an enlightened discussion based on fact and not on conjecture.

    It seems to be your belief that you can not have a civil discussion. Nice and quiet is a great concept along with rational. Which would be a grand direction to take.

    I think that it is possible for the forum members to act in a reasonable manor and to maintain decorum in their presentation of their thoughts. You can either promote chaos or not, a decision that you have to make.

  52. #182
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Jerry, Do you Like or follow NASCAR ?

  53. #183
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Jerry, Do you Like or follow NASCAR ?
    Waiting to see where this is going.

    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  54. #184
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by H.G. Watson, Sr. View Post
    Its not an "either" / "or" situation.

    BOTH, and the spending is required, i.e. paying on the DEBT GW rang up. The puppet of Chaney and the Millitary Industrial and Privatized Service support Industry complex.

    We've all been enslaved as have our generations yet to come, to perpetual indentured servitude to the debt Chaney and puppet led the sheep from the TV to the fixed touch screen vote and ran up on the heads of many yet to be born genertions to come.
    The answer is clear to me Mr. Watson, Sr. Government is too big, they spend too much and tax us too much. The vote for D.C. - Obama carried 91%. I wonder why? It's because they were counting on the milk and honey to keep flowing.

    GW rang up debt for sure. Instead of investing in our own failing infrastructure, education and financial problems, he sent our troops into harms way and bled us. I was vehemently against the invasion of Iraq. Others have assumed that since I am a conservative Republican that they had a talking point against me.

    From the preamble of the Constitution:

    "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do establish and ordain this constitution of the United States of America."

    The six purposes of government are:

    1. To form a more perfect union

    2. To establish justice

    3. To ensure domestic tranquility

    4. To provide for the common defense

    5. To promote the general welfare

    6. To secure the blessings of liberty, for us and our descendants.

  55. #185
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Jerry, Do you Like or follow NASCAR ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Ostrowski View Post
    Waiting to see where this is going.
    No where ... ... that one's in the pits with flat tires and blown engine.

    Besides, the Telsa S ran it down and embarrassed it.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  56. #186
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    No where ... ... that one's in the pits with flat tires and blown engine.

    Besides, the Telsa S ran it down and embarrassed it.

    I thought it was the Chevy Volt that caught fire and blew up.

  57. #187
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by John Ghent View Post
    Just plain and simple folks. Keep it plain and simple. The republican mind has become warped beyond belief. I would surely like to keep church and state separate when it comes to politics. But with guys running for the Senate that believe in some form of "Legitimate" rape, and that a "woman can shut down her body to prevent pregnancy when she is raped" I get really really scared. How does the conservative religious beliefs that spawn these crazy bastards survive in a modern world? Do you want the government to dictate to ALL women that they MUST deliver a baby when they get pregnant regardless of circumstance?

    This same superior attitude was evident in our Bush cabinet with Donald Rumsfeld telling us that he was sending the best equipped army in the world to Iraq. So how many men were killed and maimed before he started adding armor to the Humvees? Oh, remember little Georgie standing in his flight suit on an aircraft carrier announcing that the war was over? Let's see, that was about 7 years ago.

    The troops are returning from Iraq thanks to Obama.
    GM is still in business thanks to Obama. (and the treasury made a huge profit on their stock.)
    We have a pretty decent shot at giving everyone good health care and to cut costs at the same time thanks to Obama.
    The simple fact is that the Republican party has become so out there that our nation is in deep trouble. Where are the reasoned minds that saw public service as just that? Not as a career.

    I am a registered democrat who voted for the man. I have in the past voted republican because of the man. But the latest round of nuts running for office have led me to believe that the politics that made this country the greatest democracy ever no longer exist. We are in deep **** and sinking fast.
    Worth repeating because John covered it so well.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  58. #188
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I don't believe the messiah should get credit for saving GM just yet. The story is still evolving there. He may have saved a shot out of the sand trap on his recent vacation to Hawaii. I heard reports that GM is lagging behind other automakers and that we are on the hook for debt that will never be paid back. All to save the UAW.

    Fiat controls over 58% of Chrysler my friends. Obama meddled in the free market, trying to pick winners and losers. He did so well picking Solyndra and others didn't he? After all, it wasn't his money that was on the line. Pitching the Chevy Volt and saying he might just drive one after his gig was up. Result: Production halted. Get your heads out of the sand and think.

    Last edited by Hank Spinnler; 12-27-2012 at 08:41 PM. Reason: ddd

  59. #189
    Garry Blankenship's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Not sure what good a show of colors accomplishes, but irresistable none-the-less. The flat tax is a better than good idea. People with real money, ( what political party do they affiliate with ? ), would never allow their paying a fair share. I watched a pre-Obama Presidency not only break the piggy bank they said we do not need, but spend the possibility of ever having one virtually out of existence. I am also wondering, if during the Bush/Cheney administration, the world's largest contract ever "given", ( not competed for ), to Haliburton, the off the charts oil company profits and U.S. oil company access to Irac oil fields, ( all at the expense of the U.S. tax payer ), has any connection at all to the Adminstration of that period ? I don't like the debt either, but it's damage control for two wars on credit cards.

  60. #190
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Hank Spinnler View Post
    Get your heads out of the sand and think.
    They're tryin ta think but nuttins happenin!

    Last edited by Benjamin Thompson; 12-27-2012 at 09:31 PM.

  61. #191
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    I'm not affiliated with any party. I'm not a follower. I tend to think for myself and make decisions based on facts. Both political parties (and people affiliated with them) tend to distribute half truths to try to "prove" their points and nothing either say can be trusted.

    Let me make this clearer for you. In my opinion, anyone affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties cannot be trusted. The parties lie, and if you're a supporting member, you're a liar also. You're supporting the lies, so it's guilt by association.

    I didn't used to feel this started about 20 years ago. It's unfortunate, but now when I vote I have to pick the lesser of the evils. This past election I made my decisions based on how I was personally doing in 2008 compared to 2012. In 2008 I made about $40,000 working for someone else. I've since started my own company and nearly tripled my income. In 2008 I had approximately $60,000 in debt, not including my house. Today I have about $8,000 in debt. Personally I'm doing much better. In my opinion, the country is not. And that's directly attributed to the two party system.
    Minnesota Home Inspectors LLC
    ASHI #242887

  62. #192
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Jerry, Do you Like or follow NASCAR ?
    NASCAR's kinda like politcs, you have 4 teams , chevy, ford, toyota, and dodge. Every weekend they spend millions of $s to go around in circles then crash in to a wall. Then the team and their fans blame the other guys for their failures, after the outrage they blow the sponsers $s to do it all over again

    Last edited by Dan Harris; 12-28-2012 at 10:11 AM.
    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  63. #193
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    The design and philosophy is to go as fast as you can and only go left. No other direction is acceptable. Then continue to go in circles till you get where you want.

  64. #194
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Ostrowski View Post
    Good times.

  65. #195
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    Default Re: Obama Turning the Tide

    AD, I just wanted to check on that hole that Obama was getting us out of! Great job so far!

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