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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Knoxville, TN

    Default A great feature on this board

    Over the years I have had testy exchanges with other members. However, they don't last long, and I/we get over it and move on. Once in a great while I have used the ignore feature when someone is such a jerk on this forum. Just don't care to see those posts any longer. Some of you can likely remember said person.

    However, there is a frequent visitor to this forum, that just seems to start threads that either don't make any sense, or are just hateful, or full of lies, (or alternate truths). I have found that the Ignore feature has made my life much easier.

    I highly recommend using this feature. Possibly, if no one responds to these threads, they might just go away.

    At any rate, I'm pretty happy not knowing what was posted.

    Oh, and if anyone wants to ignore me, have at it. I get that a lot.

    Similar Threads:
    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2

    Cool Re: A great feature on this board

    We all can just not read any post from members that tend towards the dramatic and personal. So that being said I am ignoring to ignore you (math and English double negative = cancel)

    Jeff Zehnder - Home Inspector, Raleigh, NC

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    I don't use the ignore feature as that would leave those posts standing as uncontested, which could indicate to persons who do not know the posts are not correct into thinking there was truth in the posts.

    It's a Catch 22 - don't want to reply, but don't want to leave blustery untruths standing as 'fact' either.

    I agree with Jack that the ignore feature it is a nice feature ... for some ... and I agree with Jeff that "ignoring the ignore" works for others.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: A great feature on this board


    This is something that I have struggled with. I have pretty much done the same as you. I do not click on any thread started by... a certain individual. However, Jerry's point is valid. I would hate for a new or inexperienced inspector to go to one of these threads and believe the original post.

    Fortunately, Jerry has decided to shoulder the mantle and I am off the hook (for now). If this ever changes, I might chime in.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    If no one responded to the threads, they might just go away. Its pretty clear that some individuals do not listen to reason, or make much sense anyway. Arguing with them, or trying to clarify their errors seems futile.
    Decades ago, when I had a real job, there used to be a guy that would pass by the front of the building at the start of the day. There were lots of employees in the front, getting breakfast stuff from the food truck. Every day he would be yelling, to no one in particular, about various topics. He made wild statements and claims. He made absolutely no sense. He would hang around for an hour or so, then move on. (This was downtown Los Angeles, not far from skid row). The term "homeless" was not used yet.

    Trying to communicate with this individual was a waste of time. He just wasn't rational. My goal every morning was to get from the parking lot across the street, get my polish sausage and egg sandwich and coffee from the truck, and get upstairs to my office without getting accosted by the crazy man.

    I'm just trying to avoid "the crazy person" on this forum, and not give them anything to feed from, and continue the threads.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: A great feature on this board


    Unfortunately, the comparison doesn't work well, for several reasons - including but not limited to:

    - That crazy person was speaking ... and we all recognize that speaking is like 'whispering into the wind' - it's gone as soon as it's spoken (except for those who actually heard it and can't ignore it).

    -The crazy people here (currently one crazy person) are writing it ... and we all recognize that writing is 'permanent' - it stays around to be read by anyone who wanders by or comes upon this board through a search.

    One would think, based on the above, that Brian would be more concerned about his board's content, thus it's relevancy, than he appears to be.

    Then again, that person/persons do pay Brian for advertising, and this board is, I am sure, intended to generate income for Brian - which leaves Brian with a predicament: accept their money and thus their "rants" (which is what their posts are), or, remove their posts and thus lose their money ... another Catch 22 as by removing their posts, the use of the board may ... may ... pick back up, and Brian may then make more money from the increased traffic.

    A conundrum for Brian.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Feldmann View Post
    Decades ago, when I had a real job, there used to be a guy that would pass by the front of the building at the start of the day. There were lots of employees in the front, getting breakfast stuff from the food truck. Every day he would be yelling, to no one in particular, about various topics. He made wild statements and claims. He made absolutely no sense. He would hang around for an hour or so, then move on. (This was downtown Los Angeles, not far from skid row). The term "homeless" was not used yet.

    What area of downtown LA, what years and which "crazy" was that? I worked on 5th & Main in the early '80s. I remember a thin African-American "Charlie Chaplin", the African-American preacher on the corner of 5th & Spring and a long-haired, bearded crazy with yellow pants that would get dirtier and dirtier over the months - would periodically disappear for a few days and reappear clean-shaven, buzz cut and new bizarre yellow pants.

    I know, thread drift. But, inquiring minds want to know.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    14th and San Pedro. I worked for LA City Schools slaving over a drafting table. I was assigned downtown from about 1971 - 1979. I used to make that drive every morning from Simi Valley. And this was before they finished the freeway connection thru the Valley. Sucked big time!
    A funny thing happened when I worked for LA County in mid 80's. One of my co-workers was working on a project that was located on a LA City School. He brought me a plot plan, and said, hey do you know anyone named Feldmann that works at LAUSD? It was one I had drawn 10 years before. Feldmann with 2 N's is not that common.

    You probably are familiar with the original Tommy's downtown!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    Y'all talking bout me!

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Feldmann View Post
    14th and San Pedro.
    You probably are familiar with the original Tommy's downtown!
    That was down the street a bit from me. And, a few years earlier.

    Tommy's downtown? I recall the original being out on Hollywood Bl. off of the 101. Is that the one you are referring to? You know, they serve fries now! Can you imagine?

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    Good evening everyone.
    The idea is to ignore the individual.

    If you tell your doctor, this person I meet gives me a hammer to hit myself with and when I do it hurts.
    What do you think the doc will say?

    PS. I hope it's not me.
    If it is, please excuse me.


    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    Quote Originally Posted by ROBERT YOUNG View Post
    The idea is to ignore the individual.

    If you tell your doctor, this person I meet gives me a hammer to hit myself with and when I do it hurts.
    What do you think the doc will say
    Hopefully, the response you are looking for is: "Don't hit yourself with the hammer."

    If you are looking for "Ignore that person." then you might miss that person telling you to duck with a projectile is flying your way - is is far better to understand what to do and not do, and hitting yourself with a hammer because someone told you to falls under the phrase "That's just plain stupid." ... and you likely have already heard that "You can't fix stupid."

    No, it is not you, but it is someone you are always defending ... with a blind eye to what they do.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    I'm pretty sure the person i've ignored is not going to give me good advice. In fact, I'm fairly sure that person will not give me accurate advice either.
    I'll leave it to others to argue or try to reason with said individual. If they want to leave their drivel and inaccurate statements on this board, and Brian chooses to let them, then thats the way it will be.
    Trying to argue with idiots, or convince them they are wrong, is a huge waste of time. They will not change.
    Not rising to the bait, defeats the purpose of their posts. If no one comes to play, it kind of defeats the purpose.
    To respond and argue points only increases the length of the thread. I want no part of helping increase the thread. I would much rather see a thread started 3 months ago, and have 0 responses, than have a totally absurd thread have 85 responses. If no one ever responded, the blathering just might stop.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    Jack has a very good point. When I look at the topic list on the board, the threads that are marked "Hot" are, too often, pissing contests between members. I will occasionally click on one, only to find (to my chagrin) that I have just wasted my time.

    Unfortunately, controversy breeds responses.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: A great feature on this board

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunnar Alquist View Post
    Jack has a very good point. When I look at the topic list on the board, the threads that are marked "Hot" are, too often, pissing contests between members. I will occasionally click on one, only to find (to my chagrin) that I have just wasted my time.

    Unfortunately, controversy breeds responses.
    Excellent observation - threads marked "Hot" may be the ones to avoid bothering looking at ... kind of a built in "Ignore This Thread" feature ... I had not looked at it that way before.

    Seems that there is nothing better than beating a dead horse ... ... but we all take part in it at times.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

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