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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Pleasant Hill, Iowa

    Default Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    I had a listing agent call me yesterday and say that I was rude to take so long and her clients, the home owner had to wait until I was done and they are busy people and needed back in their home.
    She told them they could go home after 2 hours, this house was 2800 SQ feet and I was there 3 hours which is normal for me for a large house. I average between 2 1/2 to 3 hours, I take my time, usually one a day, sometimes 2. How long do you guys take and am I taking too long, I don't think so, this is my 10th year and that was a first that someone called me.
    Here is some of what she said in a text to me after the first call, "it is your job to make sure the buyers agent communicates the time you will need appropriately to the sellers for the inspection time that you need. Every single inspection that you have done that has not been communicated with to the sellers agent you have pissed that seller agent off and they have no intention of ever using you. Go ahead and keep doing what you are doing." These agents in this office never have used me in the last 10 years. She said the normal inspection time is 1-1/2 to 2 hours max, I'm tired of the realtors telling us how long the inspection is to take, they don't pay the bill. The buyers deserve a thorough and good inspection. How long do you guys take and what do you thing? Thanks

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    Last edited by Dan Hagman; 08-11-2017 at 08:01 AM. Reason: misspelled word
    Inspection Referral
    Dan Hagman ACI
    ProSite Home Inspections
    Des Moines, Iowa

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Your inspection time is normal for someone actually doing an inspection. If her guys are doing an inspection in an hour + then you can figure they are just checkbox idiots.
    When agents whine like this its important to think about are they whining because you are actually a jerk or because they are trying to serve their own ulterior motives? It isn't uncommon for some agents to try to intimidate other people within a transaction. Whether its the inspector, appraiser or even the buyer sometimes. You can't let what they say bother you. It would be different if you were taking 6 hours to do a normal house.
    Think of a boilerplate response and stick to it. Depending on my mood I either just laugh at them, (which really pisses them off) or I say something along the lines of 'i'm sorry you are used to deal with crappy inspectors who don't do a good job, or if you would like to stop this inspection and kill this deal because it doesn't fit your timetable thats fine with me, lets ask the buyer how they feel.
    Our job is to protect our client from what they don't know and provide them with a relevant, informative inspection. Screw the agent and their BS. If they think an inspection takes 1.5 hours they are a moron or pretending. Either way I don't care.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Well I never!
    Ops, I'd be lying.

    Tell them, I am the only independant party there. I have "no vested interest is the selling the home or working with real estate agents."
    I do not make a commission on the sale and cannot predict how long a home inspection takes so next time adjust their schedules accordingly. Too keep in mind that real estate agents who receive a commission from the property seller, are working in the best interest of their client, (the seller.)

    Express we all have busy lives, but would certainly take the time, as long as it takes, during a contract of such magnitude!

    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New Mexico

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    I wouldn't worry about it. At 10 years in, you've probably outlasted most of the 1.5 hour guys by quite a few years. That's about what it takes me depending on if there is a crawl space or not. I usually estimate 3 hours to 3.5 to make sure the sellers know when to return. It doesn't normally take that long. I also don't have a big problem with the sellers being there, especially if they are elderly. I don't enjoy it, but it is their house and I have no legal means to keep them from being there. It's just a little awkward for the sellers and buyers to be there at the same time during the inspection.
    I would think the buyers agent should be communicating with the sellers agent, not you. Some people just don't have much to complain about in their life, I guess.

    Jim Robinson
    New Mexico, USA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    I used to ask them how long it took them to sell that house (the one being inspected).

    When they replied 'It was only on the market 4 weeks, why?', I would reply "Because I know agents who could have sold it in 3 days."

    That ends that discussion ... with a frown from that agent ... and a smile from my clients and their agent.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    I budget 1 hour per 1000 sq ft. Sometimes it takes a little longer, sometime a little shorter.

    Vacant houses go faster, buyers in tow take longer. Crappy houses take longer, clean houses a little less.

    What you communicate to who depends on how you operate your business. I used to deal primarily with the buyer directly and had them pass on information to their agent.

    Now I have an office staff. We use ISN and send emails to buyer, buyers agent and listing agent. Form emails that say make sure we have access to panels, hvac, water heater, etc. Cage the dang pets and all the utilities must be on. I don't light pilot lights, etc. If we have to return, there is another fee.

    It is nice when the listing agent decides that the report is so good they start referring you. But if the listing agent is complaining, it is usually about something that is silly and trivial. My office staff gets the call first. Then if they can't handle the silly agent or the silly agent makes a big enough stink, I get to listen to them rant. Haven't had a call in years that I can remember.

    "The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Pleasant Hill, Iowa

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Just got back home from the Iowa State fair and read all of your input. Markus, Robert, Jim, Jerry and Bruce, thank you for your advice and support. I appreciate the feedback between inspectors. I totally agree with all of you and take to heart your input. Thanks for the good ideas.

    Dan Hagman ACI
    ProSite Home Inspections
    Des Moines, Iowa

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!


    Some people just want to complain. As with others, 2.5 - 3 hours seems about right for me. If this type of thing happens again, you could put in a time estimate into your confirmation email and that takes care of it. If this is the first time in 10 years, it isn't a problem.

    Keep your eye out for that agent. I have found that the only time I hear from that type of agent is when they (or a close relative) are purchasing a property. Because, of course, they deserve the best!

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Pleasant Hill, Iowa

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Thanks Gunnar, good idea!

    Dan Hagman ACI
    ProSite Home Inspections
    Des Moines, Iowa

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    The inspection takes as long as it takes. This is not within the agents job description to decide how long it takes. I may be getting cranky in my old age but after doing this for 22 years I don't take crap like that from anyone, especially listing agents.

    I will give the agent one SMALL point, it is your job to communicate the time expectations to your client and/or the sellers or their agent. Simple for me since we use CSS (Consolidated Scheduling Service.) One call does it all unless the house is not on their service, in which case I keep calling until I get the right person. I tell them what time I will arrive and what time I will leave with an extra hour or so tagged on so that I don't overstay my time frame. Average house is a 4 hour window for me. I also send an email to my client and their agent with the details with instructions to forward my "Preparations for Inspection" sheet to the sellers and/or their agent. Works for me and since I am recapping the details for my client anyway, the only added time for me is typing in another email address. It is hard to have too much communication, especially when agents think they can decide how much time it will take.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    so so, California

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Luttrall View Post
    The inspection takes as long as it takes. This is not within the agents job description to decide how long it takes. I may be getting cranky in my old age but after doing this for 22 years I don't take crap like that from anyone, especially listing agents.
    Exactly... Well said brother.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Luttrall View Post
    I may be getting cranky in my old age but after doing this for 22 years I don't take crap like that from anyone, especially listing agents.
    Morning Jim.
    That sentence gave me lots to think about this week. I as well do not take misbehaviour or conflicting interests as a sign of moral fabric, contractual or fiduciary obligation and condone poor behaviour by ALL attendees.

    I know of no such legal financial institution that allows poor or litigious behaviour to take place in their brick and mortar establishment. None! Yet inexcusable examples of fiduciary obligation appears to be acceptable away from the eyes of the establishment.

    I am not cranky. I am proud business owner. I work hard for my clients. I ask for contractual and professional respect from all attendees.

    Last edited by ROBERT YOUNG; 08-14-2017 at 04:54 AM. Reason: typo
    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Hagman View Post
    ..... the home owner had to wait until I was done and they are busy people and needed back in their home.

    She told them they could go home after 2 hours, .....

    ...what she said in a text to me after the first call, "it is your job to make sure the buyers agent communicates the time you will need appropriately to the sellers for the inspection time that you need............................Thanks
    Seller's Agent made ASSUMPTIONS = ASS-U-ME. And fulfilled the expectation.

    Sounds like lack of communication and a need to point a finger/deflect responsibility by the Seller's Agent.. The Sellers Agent should have communicated with the Buyer's Agent and you directly to confirm any aspects of the inspection that were of concern. It sounds like the Seller's agent made statements to the Sellers that were the agents own opinions without attempting to verify what was actually to take place. Agent was embarrassed about their own stupidity and looked to blame someone else, ego driven.

    The Sellers being there should be of little concern.

    The time that an inspection is always relative to conditions and methods employed.

    Inspections are a direct service business and needs a little personal smoozing for all involved. A short call (or message left) to all parties ( selling agent, seller, buyer's agent, buyer) saves allot of worries. Do not blindly expect the agents to act professionally. The old adage " if you want it done right do it your self".

    If you approach any of the parties in the transaction as adversarial all you will get is attitude.
    Be professional and "Don't worry----Be happy"

    Last edited by Garry Sorrells; 08-14-2017 at 09:04 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    so so, California

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Hey Dan... you just need to fix your presentation...
    See, now with a home page like this, I don't get very many calls from agents thank God but guess what, my phone still rings the same as before when i did care about them. Even though I don't do as many inspections as i used to, you would be surprised at how you can still maintain a respectable business from just the internet and word of mouth.

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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Pleasant Hill, Iowa

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    Thanks Marc, Most of my business comes from word of mouth and the internet, it didn't used too but it does now after 10 years.

    I like it!

    Dan Hagman ACI
    ProSite Home Inspections
    Des Moines, Iowa

  16. #16

    Default Re: Listing Agent called me and said I take too long!

    I think Jerry said it best!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think Jerry said it best!

    Jeff Zehnder - Home Inspector, Raleigh, NC


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