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  1. #1
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    McKinney Texas

    Default What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    The problem is, and your recommendation was?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
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    McKinney Texas

    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    The problem is, and your recommendation was?
    The static pressure was 107 PSI. The neighborhood and the neighboring houses have about 60 PSI, since I had inspecting some of the neighboring houses. The subject house had a pressure reducing valve on the main water line and it appears someone opened it up. Two thankless water heaters that were independent of each other both issuing fault codes. Lawn sprinkler system had three zone valves that leaked. I suspect that and other things were related to the water pressure.

    I recommended they contact a licensed plumber to investigate the water pressure and pressure valve with the goal of getting the water pressure back to between 40 and 80 psi.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    121 PSI at the bottom of a neighborhood near a newer water tower in Allen. No apparent PRV there or at the neighbors. Back in the day, Allen had approximate pressure contour map on their public accessible engineering website. I checked back a few years later and could no longer locate that part of the map.
    On a related note, anyone have a good a cheap method to check pressure gauge calibration?

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)


    With a pressure reducing valve already installed, call that out for a plumber to repair/replace if it cannot be adjusted to maintain pressure within the prescribed code limit of 80 psi - otherwise the potential for water system piping leaks will be high, as well as the potential for equipment/appliance damage (water heaters, dishwashers, clotheswashers, toilets, anything connected to the water supply system).

    I wouldn't recommend the low range you mentioned as they will have lower water delivery to shower heads and other use, just not exceed the maximum allowed by code for the system and its design.


    Keep a few pressure gauges handy for spares, and get one of those hose bibb manifolds with four hise outlets (at a Big Box store), use that for pressure readings (or just to compare gauges) and you can get a better 'apparent' pressure reading.

    When you use the word "calibrate", then means referencing to a known correct reading reference gauge ... which would be at a lab. Otherwise you would just be comparing one unknown gauge to another unknown gauge.

    With the four gauge manifold, you would be comparing four unknown gauges to each other, hoping that they all read nearly the same, while also hoping that 'nearly the same' reading is 'somewhat close to accurate'.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    The highest pegged my 160 psi gauge. I now use liquid filled gauges because the dampen the needle when opening the valve /faucet to check, We have extremely high pressure in my area. In 25 years I have replaced my regulator at least 6 times.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    I have had up to 120 psi, however here in my area its common for the plumber to plumb the exterior faucets into the main water line ahead of the pressure regulator to get high pressure outside. All the internal plumbing was reduced.

    Randy Mayo, P.E.
    Residential Engineering & Inspection Services

  8. #8
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    Feb 2013

    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Routinely see 110-125. People like it in the showers. Irrigation folks like it for coverage. Most equipment and valve manufactures say ok up to 125 no prv's.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil brody View Post
    Routinely see 110-125. People like it in the showers. Irrigation folks like it for coverage. Most equipment and valve manufactures say ok up to 125 no prv's.
    The code says:

    From the 2018 IRC (has been this way for a very long time): (underlining is mine)
    - P2903.3.1 Maximum pressure.
    - - The static water pressure shall be not greater than 80 psi (551 kPa). When main pressure exceeds 80 psi (551 kPa), an approved pressure-reducing valve conforming to ASSE 1003 or CSA B356 shall be installed on the domestic water branch main or riser at the connection to the water service pipe.

    Water Service Pipe. The outside pipe from the water main or other source of potable water supply to the water distribution system inside the building, terminating at the service valve.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  10. #10
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil brody View Post
    Routinely see 110-125. People like it in the showers. Irrigation folks like it for coverage. Most equipment and valve manufactures say ok up to 125 no prv's.
    Most sprinkler installers will tap off before the PRV.
    While people like it in their showers, things like toilet flush valves, ice makers, and washing machines may not do as well.
    Besides that, like Jerry said, 80 psi is the maximum allowed.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    The code says:

    From the 2018 IRC (has been this way for a very long time): (underlining is mine)
    - P2903.3.1 Maximum pressure.
    - - The static water pressure shall be not greater than 80 psi (551 kPa). When main pressure exceeds 80 psi (551 kPa), an approved pressure-reducing valve conforming to ASSE 1003 or CSA B356 shall be installed on the domestic water branch main or riser at the connection to the water service pipe.

    Water Service Pipe. The outside pipe from the water main or other source of potable water supply to the water distribution system inside the building, terminating at the service valve.
    Indisputably non code compliant and not something I endorse. Just reporting what has been in practice in my geographical location for 30+ years.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil brody View Post
    Indisputably non code compliant and not something I endorse. Just reporting what has been in practice in my geographical location for 30+ years.
    Do you not report the pressure is thigh and suggest correction?
    Just because someone has been doing something for 30 years does not at all make it OK. Just saying.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Feldmann View Post
    Do you not report the pressure is thigh and suggest correction?
    Just because someone has been doing something for 30 years does not at all make it OK. Just saying.
    Of course I would report the condition as observed and would site its non conformity with CURRENT code and cite possible detriments, but that would be all.
    My issue is the inspector "suspects" the high pressure caused failure with other items. Rather than pressure could it be the composition of the water ? He is asking people to expend time and money to correct condition(s) that may or may not correct the underlying issues he cited.
    Lets extrapolate: The seller calls in a plumber. Plumber backs off the PRV and demonstrates 80 psi spot on. Sale goes through. Buyer moves in and is now unhappy with the pressure in the shower and getting brown spots on the lawn that can be attributed to lack of water pressure. Buyer now has to expend time and money to get back to a point prior to intervention. Did you do anybody a justice in calling it out ? Do we have any test data that shows 107 psi creates more leaks than 80 psi over time ?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil brody View Post
    Of course I would report the condition as observed and would site its non conformity with CURRENT code and cite possible detriments, but that would be all.
    Sounds like you are looking for a way out - go back in the older codes and find when/where/if THOSE OLDER codes allowed that high of a water pressure before you start presuming that it was okay at the time that the house you are inspecting was built.

    If the plumbing piping is sized properly, 80 psi will give a very good shower. If the plumbing piping is old galvanized pipe and is mostly clogged, yeah, it might take 200 psi to get great flow through them to the shower ... but that will also pop out rusted holes which otherwise might hold pressure at 80 psi and less.

    Buyer moves in and is now unhappy with the pressure in the shower and getting brown spots on the lawn that can be attributed to lack of water pressure.

    Not if the home inspector properly educated their client about the reasons for the code having a maximum water pressure of 80 psi ... of course, though, there are some home inspectors who may say 'Aw, shucks, ma'am, 120 psi ain't no big deal, I didn't see any evidence of it leaking ... YET ... '

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  15. #15
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gene South View Post
    The static pressure was 107 PSI. The neighborhood and the neighboring houses have about 60 PSI, since I had inspecting some of the neighboring houses. The subject house had a pressure reducing valve on the main water line and it appears someone opened it up. Two thankless water heaters that were independent of each other both issuing fault codes. Lawn sprinkler system had three zone valves that leaked. I suspect that and other things were related to the water pressure.

    I recommended they contact a licensed plumber to investigate the water pressure and pressure valve with the goal of getting the water pressure back to between 40 and 80 psi.
    Not looking for a way out, just not looking to create issues for anybody. Certainly, if it is adjusted to 40psi per the inspectors recommendation there will be.
    My statement adequately describes the conditions and the concerns. I don't have a chart but would be interested at the evolution of that code. Would 80 psi give a good shower ? way to many variables to consider, especially what each deems a good shower.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil brody View Post
    Not looking for a way out, just not looking to create issues for anybody. Certainly, if it is adjusted to 40psi per the inspectors recommendation there will be.
    Well, the minimum pressure required by the code is 40 psi ... but ... I agree on that, and that is why I said I would not mention the minimum 40 psi, just the maximum (if they were having minimum pressure issues, then the minimum pressure issue would be raised, but not for high pressure issues).

    My statement adequately describes the conditions and the concerns.
    Not really, but no need to get into that any more than already have.

    [quote]I don't have a chart but would be interested at the evolution of that code.[?quote]

    Then you shouldn't say "and would site [sic] its non conformity with CURRENT code" as that implies that you know that older codes allowed higher pressures - and you just said you don't know that.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  17. #17
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    [QUOTE=Jerry Peck;283748]Well, the minimum pressure required by the code is 40 psi ... but ... I agree on that, and that is why I said I would not mention the minimum 40 psi, just the maximum (if they were having minimum pressure issues, then the minimum pressure issue would be raised, but not for high pressure issues).

    Not really, but no need to get into that any more than already have.

    I don't have a chart but would be interested at the evolution of that code.[?quote]

    Then you shouldn't say "and would site [sic] its non conformity with CURRENT code" as that implies that you know that older codes allowed higher pressures - and you just said you don't know that.
    Stating 80psi does not conform with current codes doesn?t imply anything other than the obvious although you are right, additionally stating it may or may not have been code complaint at the time of install could prevent someone from reading into it something that was not intended.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    80 psi has been the maximum pressure for as long as I remember. Can you tell us when the code allowed a pressure higher than 80 psi? I'm guessing you can't.

  19. #19
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    Mar 2017

    Default Re: What is the highest water pressure you have seen? (Photos)

    Sorry that I am recycling old...or young, staler threads but I just got back here.
    If it were me, I would certainly tell my clients that the error codes on the two "thankless" sic, water heaters and the other leaks and "things" were most likely due to the very, very high water pressure and strongly suggest that issue ne corrected ASAP.. no doubt about that.


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